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16 pairs of remaining take care of 127 millimeters of artilleries, is shot a mold piece by 40"war ax" guided missile perpendicularity act for, each mold piece can shoot 8 guided missiles and have among them this time many is an antiair"standard II" guided missile.However it was to depend a warship cannon stroke target, the unmanned machine didn't find out for it how much worth use "war ax" of target.So the perpendicular blast-off mold still has more than 270 guided missiles in the piece.Gao Neng's fuel that was tantamount to noodles to upwards sprinkle 500 kilograms now, these solidify a great deal of yellow phosphorus in gasoline to wait from the Ran material, there are also many aluminums hot, they glue on the warship body to start to be like forty burnable.Such of heat, soon set off those guided missiles that didn't shoot, their combats departments plus Gao Neng's fuel, namely destroyed the superstructures of huge warship like the fast chain reaction.Originally this kind of huge warship has strong armor to take care of with the very strong Sun a troops and suffers a few anti- warship guided missiles, even the heavy bomb can't results in such damage, either.But these Gaos that throw in in the key part can burn the functions that had "detonator".
What the 2nd guided missile takes aim at is the flight deck of department after the huge warship, through two stage reformations tore down three allied pack 406 millimeters ofly after lord cannon,www.beats4monster.co.uk, placed to establish machine database and flight deck in the cannon seat, can be provided as 12 AV -8 Cs perpendicular/short start to be apart from and decline an airplane of use.At this time there are 4 Cs AV-8s on the deck prepare to get off the ground, who know sky suddenly decline next very absolute being, explode the burning concretion gasoline turned a moment to destroy this 4 capacity loads play, oil of battleplane, they are triggered of of explode to bomb biggest harm of extending the huge warship.The huge warship of this 57500 tons sank into a hell very hot fire in, Sun's taking care of personnel is making definitely dead effort.
The United States mixs July 15 of number of the fleet flagship"German city" especially 20:30
This news naturally shocked the flagship"German city" number many use amphibious dockyard conveyance warship up of mix fleet commander's headquarters especially, from depend on China suffer of fought to see, expeled the possibility of torpedo attack, didn't also discover peripheral there is the evidence of battleplane in 400 kilometers of scopes.Is it China that invented invisible anti- warship guided missile?But how didn't the Arleigh Burke-class destroyerses discover?
However the night give Anne virtuous Si lieutenant general commander the officer still bring other disasters and often rise the fire chain of antiair guided missile on the island, their Zhan opens of usually have "prey for food" or other unmanned machines in the Yan fire, the nature will start to explode another fireball.The antiair guided missile battlefield that the revelation comes out will encounter the attack of "war ax" or"super big wasp", however make American solider military tactics system perplexity of BE, still just a lot of places emit to light a fire chain and air Yan fire on the island, at probe can not distinguish true or false in the system.No wonder that China is unexpectedly the country of gift flower, develop this kind of to imitate really antiair guided missile.The American solider has much"war ax" again also not enough allotment of.
However when Anne from Guam the virtuous Sen air base take off of 6 H B-52 bombers flew to arrive to fight area implementation to defend area an outside bombing, the American solider suffered lately a stroke.This giant machine machine the head sit a pilot and shoot total 6 passengerses of member, navigator and bombing members inside the cockpit, there is a remote control inside the fuselage end of the tail cannon tower of 20 millimeters of Ms 61 six tubes revolve machine cannon, another equipment complete electronics interference and electronics warnning equipments, used for negative self-defense.The machine head has radar bombing to navigate electronics system, the segment first half department is a fuel tank in the fuselage, the second half department is the bomb cabin that grows 9 meters, can hang 225 or 340,000 grams of bombs 27~84.Can outside hang AG under the wing M -69 short distances take the offensive guided missile or"war ax" empty to ground cruise missile, the biggest bombload is 27.2 tons.Can carry on airing refueling a homework, have an all-weather inter-continental to bomb ability.
Such as front say, the giant bomber of this old grandpa class although through carry on strengthening to exist dint by exaltation to the airplane structure again and again, the machine body life span prolongs into 12000 fly a hour;Still carry on modern reformation's being navigated with exaltation accuracy with attack, can hang cruise missile, anti- warship guided missile with short be apart from to attackstone guided missile.Have already not much left as well.Start out this time of 6 all hanged to carry "consociation ammunition", the American started to like some peculiar names, in fact be make to lead of glide bomb.When they will soon arrive to be apart from Yi to expect especially second especially 45 kilometers of hurl in the island play position, there are 12 red flag-9 Bs from 4 antiair guided missile battlefields of island antiair guided missile of long range being played to shoot air, motor after lighting the fire immediately rapid get off the ground to rush to respectively of target.
The guided missile of HQ -9 AN of our army yield about start developing in 1980, till the end of 20th century material troops, it may be said whet one sword for 20 years.But it plays a body huge, a class helps to push machine diameter to unexpectedly reach to 700 millimeters, the second class lord motor diameter also has 560 millimeters and adopts solid to push forward, the tallest speed is only 4.2 Maches, the biggest artillery range is 200 kilometers, shoot Gao 0.5-30 kilometers, lead to lead a way adoption beginning the segment is inertial+medium segment wireless instruction+end segment the TVM compound lead to lead mode.The first attack Gao Kong Di's machine that is an our army to develop/ballistic guided missile dual use advanced antiair guided missile system.Because the body figure is astonishing, play heavy about 2 tonses, it makes its strategic military tactics flexibility be subjected to influence;The third generation antiair guided missile of its tallest speed away below advanced countries;The biggest flight time longer than two minutes, comprehensive function and system integrate advanced antiair guided missile system of ability and Europe and America and Russia type to compare a margin obvious.At to the M -9 of when the ballistic target of type carry on intercepting can adopt don't meet head on of T form war method the noodles intercept, list the hair kill harm to all lead only 30%.Is hard and S -300 Vs place on equal footing, with patriot 3 margins are larger.
But it owns the biggest antiair guided missile in the world of 180 kilogram class warhead, synthesize a war capability to increase many scores for it, compare under the patriot 2 only is 80 kilograms.The electronics technique realm is again a HQ -9 minority of leading Ss-300 single items, Gao Chu's about generation or 5-10 years of margin, its precise degree gets close to an Euro-American the same kind product directly and quickly, this is exactly the road of Chinese special feature weapon development that blends Russia system in Europe since 90's in last century.Although the our country expends the huge sum ushered in S-400 and Anne Tai from Russia-2500 long range antiair guided missile, and apply our country of possess singly the technique carried on a fruitful improvement to the system, Central Military Commission and king the chairman just still extremely valued HQ -9 improvements, our country could not lead the system to antiair and anti- Gao Kong and consign to the outside domestic product.Red flag-9 As and Anne Tai 2500 or patriot 3 biggest margins of systems with advanced etc. are solid rockets motor and bitter end system to lead a technique.
The expert of item set got the expert's support of the aviation motor and not only synthesized new Gao Neng solid fuel, and successfully developed with of compatible etc. ion/microwave combustion-supporting additive, pass microwave combustion-supporting, new fuel of is higher than than the energy the United States, the same kind fuel of Russia, the tail Yan diminishes.And ask for help of the electromagnetism of waiting the ion body to push dint vector the control can cancel gas graphite rudder, the mobile function still slightly super patriot is 3.Play the magnesium sodium that the body adopted high strength metal alloy, from here played a body to always weigh to decline to 1200 kilograms, the physical volume is also big in order to narrow, the tallest speed promotes to 6 Maches.Consequently fly the biggest artillery range of 200 kilometers also 100.Improved guided missile to shoot device from here, adopted to gather a pack type to pack to play system, made use of etc. Y-8 conveyance machine to carry on long-distance leave strategic carrying.
But the bitter end system lead a technical progress biggest, played to up equip curved face to mutually control the active type radar system of a radar to lead device, gold battery dragon provided strong power, and successfully developed kinetic energy to intercept to play a small scaled array type solid motor machine set, can meet head on to intercept while intercepting ballistic guided missile, the significant exaltation in the clout accuracy and anti- interference ability;
Another head for looking for of red flag-9 Bs from C-803 anti- warship guided missile of hot become elephant follow the technique reform come of, exclusively used for the spirit that attackstones large low speed to move a target.This attack B-52 of is this kind of head that look for, it isn't afraid of the strong interference machine of B-52.And it can receive through a data chain"cool detachment" passive mutually control a radar or YJ-14 of the early-warning machine follows of target information, can show a Zhao exaltation target to follow ability.
After above a series of improvement, red flag-9 Bs of anti- lead ability Related articles:

