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Of Tu to bother her quite.Far degree heavy ocean pirate from Europa after capturing India, again the Duo led the small country of Sikkim, these two snow area plateau in Bhutan from Chinese hand.Even also want to stretch evil claw into Tibet, but encountered fiasco.This helped pirate to also make to print, expect a cent to cure while being rushed through Europa once what"Michael Ma Hong Xian" continue hospice of bothering the fairy.She sees foot again a bad descendant inheritting the teaching that the pirates leave and also getting worse a ground of abruption Pakistan and putting out Sikkim and taking to contend for a war with the frontier of northern neighboring country.Now again at become mad.The dark cloud of spreading densely blocks the Himalayas, ensign cloud that can ambiguously see seem the Shu keeping.The fairy got mad, she didn't want that the conflict of seeing this human life is again.

Section 1 devil acts violently

The dawn of May 10 of the Kashmir card Ji Er
The card Ji Er is a piece of highland of elevation 5000 meters, be located in one side in India of the Kashmir India and Pakistan cease-fire line, the highland of original nobody because military conflict that India and the spring of 1999 of Pakistan summer hands over but fame far Yang.The strategic position of the card Ji Er region is obvious.Here mountain Gao Lu Xian, easily guard difficult offend, is print a soldier to lead to row city, that reach to strategic highway in a gram of region of necessarily through of place.6-10 months per years of ice snow melts season, this from rest Mo through Si that add, the Zuo Ji pulls mountain pass and card Ji the Er arrives row city of replenishment Life Line, undertook to print the soldier follows 70% supplieses of battlefields before Kashmir conveyance task.1996 is closing to Ba Fang Yi's side of the Er of card Ji to build to observe Shao since Ba Jun, and dispose troops fo0r battle, touch pure to print the military in this region gradually of base and facilities.
In mid- April, this year, was been called several hundred Pakistan armed personnels of "infiltrator" by India to again and done in complete secrecily capture the strategic highland of the card Ji Er region, aimed at gunfire directly the replenishment conveyance that prints a soldier line, seriously threaten to print a soldier front of to keep a supply.Both parties launched to arouse a war and almost repeated the crisis in 20th century last phase.But the India's key figures led to have totally different viewpoint this time, they thought that the opportune moment that thoroughly solve this problem arrived.The free warrior of Muslem of highland prints soldier battlefield to look down to the afar now, feels unusually quite.They can not be like the front line troops of expecting the soldier to get an alert 15 minutes in advance, however their position of body place makes them always keep the tallest vigilance,beats by dre uk.
The Kashmir problem is already a long time.The vegetable Kashmir well known as Kashmir has important of strategic position, be located in the most northern part in the southern second time mainland, the Himalayas Lu, the area is or so for 200,000 square kilometers, Belgium, Holland, Denmark, Austria and Albania the total of five country national territory areas.
In 1946, England is forced to talk an independent problem with India.For attaining to"divide and rule" of purpose, the British prime minister's moxa virtuous gift sends to receive Ba Dun to serve as India governor of province afterwards.Received Ba Dun to walk to allow to throw on June 3, 1947 behind right away"independent project in India", is also well-known"receive Ba Dun's project".The main contents of this project is:Dichotomous part in India is also India and Pakistan two autonomies get;Each soil nation has power decision to join India or Pakistan.
India independently behind merge the land of great majority, but belong a problem in the Kashmir top broke out the quarrel of long-term vehemence.While coming out, what"receive Ba Dun's project" rule Kashmir is India follower of a religion Harry ·Xin Ge Da Dun's gentleman.Xin Ge's ownership in Kashmir last dilemma:If join India, so will be had the objection of majority of Muslems by population;If join Pakistan, so his governance position affirmation of this heathen is difficult to protect, so he is simply to want to make the Kashmir independent.In August, 1947, Xin Ge to India and Pakistan put forward to maintain present condition agreement.Pakistan express consent, but India government thinks that the square tries to merge the Kashmir into India.August, 1947 to October, Kashmir situation occurrence variety, the Muslem built up free Kashmir government.The scare thousand times bitter space helps to India claim.India immediately sends troops to go to Kashmir after Xin Ge promised the condition of "let the Kashmir join India".On October 30, Pakistan the government announces a pronouncement and refuses to admit that the Kashmir joins India.
In June, 1948, India starts new offensive and prepares to with one action attack and occupy Kashmir.But Pakistan send troops into Kashmir at the same time, there is overall explosion in India and Pakistan the danger of the war.On July 27, 1949, under the intermediation of UN Security Council, the India and Pakistan ceases fire a line problem to reach agreement.This cease-fire line is deployed to divide the line at that time according to the actual troops, India had 3/5, about 400;Pakistan had 2/5, about 100.However, this didn't by the root work out a Kashmir problem.In 1949, He He well-known American admiral Ni rice be authorized by UN Security Council to inspect a Kashmir vote to decide to belong the work of problem, let Kashmir person by himself[herself] the decision join India or join Pakistan.However, this United Nations solution encountered the resolute objection of India government.
The Kashmir region lives 5,000,000 residents, they from the mongols of ancient times, Ya Li An's person, Persia the person and Arab multiplies greatly since then.Among them, 3/4's distributing is printing to cover area, the 1/4 is in Ba Zhan's Kashmir.77% residents believe in Islamism, 20% is India follower of a religion, the rest teaches for tin gram, Buddhism and Christian.The main language being the ground of hides Pu language etc. for the Kashmir language and beside, the official language is all English and black Ers language.It is a cake of abnormality beautiful land-until 6 beginning of the months, is still on the summit of hill here white snow Ai Ai.Snow water after melting irrigates the Himalayas Lu rich plain, miraculous of natural view's once making to became here the most noisy tour divine spot is in the world.But India and Pakistan two countries are in this region continuously the conflict make it rises in the world of Be no longer lovely view, but terrible war.From that after, India and Pakistan of once carried on for the Kashmir problem the vehemence battle out.Now, these two feud between familieses of national respectively carry on respectively of the nuclear test check, and developed a nuclear warhead.
What to accompany with a running away from disaster of both parties thousands civilian and Kashmir vigorous gunfire is the language of expression of India and Pakistan two country vehemences to hand over fire.On April 22, Pakistan be responsible for virtuous card Shi of the cabinet minister of Kashmir policy to say, India troops are in a row killing 75 peaceful people to Pakistan soldier in few days of bombardment.The virtuous card Shi still blames the purpose that India adopts a military operation is for breaking the peaceful negotiation of two premier Guos's.India military authority contradictorily says that Pakistan the military authority killed 27 peaceful people to India soldier, 13 among the civilians are Pakistan raided in a troops hospital of India of the gunfire kill.
If India on these grounds occupies Kashmir, can to expect carry on a sea blockader of at the same time, cut off it land way out.But Pakistan anyway, can't allow the control Kashmir of any hostile national or latent opponent.However this time the attitude of India in the conflict abnormality tough.India's ever since that time launching the third-time India and Pakistan war , after successfully dismembering Pakistan, haded been thinking to solve by monopolizing Kashmir this point of dispute.
Pakistan made a serious mistake in the 70's, it at east Pakistan of the business didn't make well, give India with intervention of opportunity, immediately took place for the third time India and Pakistan war.Pakistan thought at that time that China would send a soldier in the wartime east the Pakistan broke through with the route on land contact in China, but China was at that timed led long by Soviets to make, domestic and then is carrying on "Cultural Revolution" that injured national strength, hence have no dint three war, can to Pakistan with the helping of righteous and material.East the isolation Pakistan and finally didn't aid and weakened for India taking, east Pakistan empress independence being Bangladesh, Pakistan oneself then drive biggest.This is the occurrence under the sistuation that India illegally captures the our country more than 90,000 square kilometers land, after being India independently militarily satisfied of make.Actual Related articles:

