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Under Zhou Yu !relationresultThere was no time for Zhou Yu toask it all ,his rapid flight ,below is a huge part of mountain ranges ,in the air, he need only drow a position indicator ,direction indicates ,doesn her detailed guidance ,Thatcher did not show ,because the rapid flight ,but also in psychology contradictions ,she has lost direction .
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And behind the Zagat heart .relationresultFist.In two the air floated back ,this is Lisk now on air combat approach ,the magician can his sword .With the fist more effective ,cost you less ,but no difference .
Not let the quantity increase ,sword Jianwang exhibit ,roll on blood red water frightened and back ,and the group distance to ten feet .relationresultThe wateris really dangerous ,once the stick ,will immediately let people down, even juggernaut are the same, they have the pedestrian .
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Hill sister gently smile : as long as you can often see me ,I meet ,really !... ... But ,I thing you don ,she certainly will not be pleased ! , relationresultZhou Yuhold her heart ,I sigh ,she is his woman ,may be justified in Ming ,he was asked to leave the other woman ,but she did not do so ,or even to let him another woman happy ,willing to hide in the dark ,life as a monkey ,this also is she a let him guilty !She is so gentle and considerate ,just a few words ,show her to all of his tolerance !This tolerance is behind ,she loved him deeply !relationresultMountain sister ! Zhou Yu put her up : if one day I let you go with me to a complete stranger in the world, you are willing to accompany me ? , relationresultWhere I will accompany you ! Hill sister said softly : you just mountain sister was a mortal, is an ordinary woman ,may not be able to accompany you to the sky !.
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.. ... Here the high ! As for where, Zhou Yu don know .relationresultNever mind. !You better than I ... ... Even the word on the street to say ! The girl smiled : I don this toy boy ! , relationresultI know ,you love the people ! Yu said: you seem to be late, he is Zhang Ya .
.. ... Hey ,Zhang Ya, how so stupid? , relationresultLikehe is stupid ?What is this shit logic ?Zhou Yu refuses to accept the !relationresultYeah ! Another girl sigh : you say what does she do that ?All right, fire away ,also meet such things ! Here ,two people are without laughter .
relationresultZhou Yuis shocked, what is it? Expelled ,also in that thing ?What is the matter ?His mistake .He caught up with ,two girls don not feel neither fast nor slow ,continue to go forward .
relationresultI think president they or confused ! Jade Zhang Ya said: while more than one months does not make a manuscript ,the man left the house days ,but who knows he will not come back ,come back to see if Zhang Yacheng like this ,if he was on fire ,who can stand ! , relationresultZhang Yachengwhat? Zhou Yu hearts by a sinister foreboding .


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Operation ,it is like the forbidden spell Luo Feng smiled ,no fear .relationresultYou know that we are real person of Xiu ? , relationresultThe fourface s è ,suddenly cold .On the mainland ,monk will they become extraterritorial strong .
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.. ... , relationresult,this is not yours .Ji ā o out ofthe forbidden spell ,we won , relationresultLuo Fenglight laughter ,hard hit in their mind .However ,in the sector ,a few people own strength ,is absolutely the most humble ,even the golden period ,and the high order real person of Xiu ,gap is very far .
But the opportunity to the sky world ,if do not give an accident ,there will be a great harvest , relationresultIf I don Ji ā o? Luo Feng eyes ,also becomes cold .relationresultThen you will die , relationresultNVfinally spoke out ,and when speech, hands also don .
Waved his hands, and nine handle Feijian neat toward their flying ,there will be power ,Luo Feng to those behind the Emperor Ming period strong fear s è pale,neat .relationresultSee you in January ,it is the weapon of all complete .
, relationresultLuo Fengsmiled ,stand in in-situ does not move .Left hand right hand after negative ,lightning out of ,the moment ,for a total of nine shots ,nine handle the sword ,all he had in his hands ,struggling to neigh .
Let NV how C à Ocontrol ,also be of no avail .relationresultIt canbe !relationresultNVface s èchange,his strength ,how could meet this degree to remember the last time and he war when, not to speak of nine handle sword ,is a handle ,both than he was .
But now, completely changed her expectation .Who can not think of, just one month, Luo Feng was there such a big promotion .relationresultAt her side,the three men also face s èasink ,the eyes of Y ī nYu .
Luo Feng just means ,they ask, no way to do .The one percent instant, the nine handle Feijian to seize, front man of strength ,more powerful than their three people some , relationresultLuo Fengwho had been hiding behind ,Emperor Ming period ,is a big mouth ,face full of magic .
The strength ,how strong ,they would never guess what they know ,every battle ,managing to touch on lightly kill each other ,win .relationresultBlood mixing , relationresultNVsquirting a blood ,up in the air .
Right hand lightning in its top draw lots of rune ,the blood directly into nine sections ,toward the handle nine flying flying .The blood speed, and no way to dodge, moment ,appear in the sword blade ,be painted in the red S è .
relationresultBuzzrelationresultTheseblood to contaminated Feijian ,Feijian immediately buzz ,had struggled to bumblebee, buzz neigh .Luo Feng grunted coldly ,the palm of the hand for a delivery, these flying directly to fly out .
relationresultNVa joy ,to control the flying fly back ,but in their sky, suddenly there was another handle sword .The golden sword body s è,the upper layer of fluorescent surround .
One ,around the two layers of space ,suddenly turned into nothingness .Heaven countless lightning ,diffuse in the flying around .relationresultJewels , relationresultNVfour eyes staring violence ,terror receding .
It is treasure ,they dream of ,and expect the jewels and the coercion ,absolutely not low grade .relationresultThisis a precious sword appears, immediately cut off .The nine handle is NV blood refined Feijian wanted to escape ,but in the Luo Feng wave under, around the power of heaven and earth rotation is surrounded by steep ,potential ,the sword is formed around a huge whirlpool ,that they simply could not move .
relationresultDetonationrelationresultClick clickrelationresultNVgazed upon ,hold their own body in exchange for the nine handle instrument flying ,was so was forced into halves ,a handle .
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For his sister ,he has some understanding .Zhi Xiao could not just be to sell their own bodies ,certainly still has a very difficult thing ,will make you to help her ,but three people , relationresultBut forall this ,he has not placed on the heart .
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cnn en 籘 of this anthrop

New time:2010-12-114:49:51 chapter words count:2502

Chapter 34 anthropophagi 籘 (Everyone in person kiss consumedly, in September monthly ticket war Feng smoke again rise!If you are VIP to hire by the month a customer, so you had a few monthly tickets, snow wolf begged you and threw the monthly ticket to the An, you order my book page of that ordering is then a monthly ticket for a while, there are several pieces ordering several bottoms.Your monthly ticket is the power that we renew!Snow wolf thanks politely!!!)
Cruelty sun the sky of tropical rain forest says to change and then change, , projected a way cruelty ray of light, seemed greatly and hadn't the ground of the whole all burn, the Shi doesn't give up of power.Suddenly, a burst of and wild north wind once blows and led the one dark cloud is from the horizon of the north urgently hug since then, also accompany with a way the lightning flash that once rowed horizon, and a deafening voice deep-fried thunder.
In a flash, strong breeze your work, the dark cloud spread all over the sky, the close behind bean big raindrop son hit to drop down from the sky and beat spacious vegetation the leaf"Pa Pa" make to ring.Is a lightning flash again, a short moment connect at 2:00 front line, "Hua" of a , heavy rain was like to fall a sky and all over the place poured down from the sky.
"Like, old sky of help us,google!Walk quickly!"Often the Hao right hand in the sky holds in finest place of Ma Qiang's pikestaff, the index finger always buttons up in the trigger turn, can open fire at any time.I notice, Ma Qiang's insurance is opening of, but the gun muzzle always keeps upward posture.
His left hand lifts an and our similar dog legs hunt knife and keep cutting down the 籘 Man of blocking the road.This one woodland 籘 Man crosses and was like to spread a ground of spider's net, be all growing a point sting everywhere of arm thick sauce color huge 籘 .I appreciate this whole body that Wu Chu makes change for us very much now American solider the bush battle took, double the canvas mountain climbing of the feet Deng the Xue is comfortable as well as tough and resilient, the thorn basically ties not to break shoe sole and shoe top, soft hat and clothes following son all defend rain, though rain is next the Piao sprinkle general but our body is dry.
We all took to defend to pare off gloves, the snake that often has already vomited a tongue assaulted us, now we the face is exposed, besides which, , other parts of hand and foot and body all cover up strict actually solid, is a feet to trample in the snake body, drive snake the malicious life bite an one mouthful, but sharp poisonous tooth also what then not close-grained camouflage take.
Across canvas painful is ineluctable all of a sudden, but can't be bitten to wear clothes wound and flesh.Walk to walk, then tree Gao Lin Mi, the grass deep 籘 tied up, the Ke Ke Ban Ban, often have the of green rattan the Man to stretch to come over on one's own initiative.
The rain-storm is separated at bushy tree hat on, underneath of rain have been fine after the percolation of built-up tree hat many.But,Facebook, I still kept trampling a dog's dung luck.The left foot is suddenly held up by a thick finger green rattan, this green rattan is like snake similar quick climb to tie up to my loins, I wield the dog leg of left hand to hunt knife to chop down and have never thought that the left arm also was held up by a籘 !
One of my body is downward pulled, I loudly called to get up, "good son!Zhao San!"I see the snakes of numerous 籘 Man elephant excitements similar to make a pounce upon me, in a short instant, my legs, the double arms were all died to tie up to round, body also the elephant bind a Zong-zi bind tightly.
"Do not move!Elder brother Bin, you don't also move, you more move anthropophagi 籘 to tie up more tight!"Walk at most before often Hao sky hear me of shout a voice to turn head to call a way.
The week is often good to yell with one that Zhao San is about to charge forward to set free for me, hears Hao a sky, all stop at first, helded to hunt knife not to know how to save me.
Oddly BE, I listenned to words of Hao sky often right away motionless, anthropophagi 籘 , just often Hao sky seem to say of is an anthropophagi 籘 ?Very terrible name, before seem to once report have of tropical plant is can with cannibalism, but the green 籘 of this anthropophagi seem didn't once hear, mess, am I about to be eaten up by it?
Often the Hao sky comes over here, carefully looks into and says:"O.K., just this stub, by this time you 2 come up a help, this green rattan will charge forward even you are two to also tie up, slowly the Lei is tight, let people suffocate but die, they will wait for killing a person lousy, again a little absorb to kill a putrefied corpse of person of nutrient ……"
"Do not say, quickly say how to save me!"I loudly call way, who know once I talk, the anthropophagi 籘 came into play again right away, the tight hoop is on me 籘 Man again tight 10%!Frighten I didn't dare to talk any further.
"Meet this circumstance, never move indiscriminately, had better be on more moving it to tie up more tightly on every occasion, the person dies more quickly!The flank comes to rescuer to can not chop down that the anthropophagi 籘 worries a person Man, either, general of all of anthropophagi 籘s are a Man slice of, as long as someone close to they will also charge forward to tie up, so, leaving is a little bit farer, find out its root-stock or lord stem, one knife the bottom go and cut down root-stock, the whole 籘 Man leaked strength naturally!"Often the Hao sky in detail explained in detail the method of the 籘 of uniform anthropophagi.
But, find out its root-stock, talk what easy!Here again not is flat ground, also not is barren, but full with together waist deep vegetation is all beset with difficulties everywhere, this kind of 籘 Man again extension very far, its root-stock lord does all generally in the rock blind side, or at break a precipice under, this kind of vitality the strongest green rattan contain a kind of skill that anywhere radicates, the 籘 Man climbs to where where reborn a root, so, which root is its lord dry, amateur but is how to also can not see clearly.
Zhao San's pouring is to smile, he says:"This thing, the long white mountain also has and be called agreeable mountain to run of, they are upward a strength son, we look for toward low place, can find out, see there have to break a precipice, should from there come up!"
"Is reasonable!"The week is good to run over there right away.Often Hao sky already at along break a precipice to go around and inspect, he uses Ma Qiang to point at a piece of rock under the precipice is say:"Right there, you see, there is thick rim of bowl there, the color is dead withered Be getting blacker."
"I next go!"Zhao San seeks bottom precipice in the place, often the Hao sky blocks him to say:"Need not next go, say that you also can not go down again, you see this one's breaking all of precipices are green rattans, you remember, the thin 籘 of this kind of metal gray color, all of the great majority are an anthropophagi 籘 , touch not get of!That kind of the red sandalwood color is a safe 籘 Man!"
"What to do then?"Zhao San anxious way,cnn.
Often Hao sky hunt knife to lay by, hands according to the gun, slightly on taking aim at, the "Pa" ground is one gun, far apart from about 7810 meters, that rattan caulis sees and then breaks to open a son, but still has a part to connect, "Pa" was one gun, had been already all broken.
"Four elder brothers!You move to try for a while!"The week is good to hurriedly turn head to shout.
I make an effort one Zheng and just still died to tie up of the green rattan is to lose physique a while similar scatter 1 ground."Like, Be free!"
"That good, we walk quickly!"Often the Hao sky turns round a big step to go straight up to go, we severals hurriedly keep up with.
I at often the Hao diva's noodles say:"Elder brother in the sky, you saved me one life, we evened off!"
Often Hao sky suddenly and downwards on squating down, the left hand stretches backward face to next pressed two times, and then stretched out a finger a toward the left side, meaning is there in the past a person, the front musted have a circumstance.I right on the spot hide behind in a piece of rock, week the good leopard cat was similar to flee to go to the thorn cluster of the left side.
"Ta Ta Ta!"The clear and crisp M16 mounts sudden attack the gunning voice of rifle to ring out, the week is there good of the thorn cluster be beaten the Cha fly indiscriminately!Someone is shooting to us!What person did we suffer with!

The 13th chapter 35 bush gun in Mekong valley voice
Renew time:2010-12-114:49:51 chapter word numbers:2631

Chapter 35 bush gun voice (Everyone in person kiss consumedly, in September monthly ticket war Feng smoke again rise!If you are VIP to hire by the month a customer, so you had a few monthly tickets, snow wolf begged you and threw the monthly ticket to the An, you order my book page of that ordering is then a monthly ticket for a while, there are several pieces ordering several bottoms.Your monthly ticket is the power that we renew! Related articles:

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The dint of the dint mixture then calls that it is Long Lian Li good!"
The teacher is wild sky of that jade lotus seed income unreal that spreads a country bag, but preparation again accept the red lotus petal of ground to Long to get up, who know Long Lian Zhen's dint suddenly touches, but those red lotus petals gradually turn to go and turn an eye disappearance get without a trace.
"Let it be!Shang Dynasty since put out, do these flower petals still have to use?!"The teacher is wild sky of to sigh tone of way, again the wreath attended to this gold wall stone house one eye and saw again have no his thing, then walk to that passage.
The passage remains, but breaks on the above of the precipice the F be filled with by those wood stones, these things can not hold up against teacher naturally wild sky of of wear wall Shu.Teacher wild sky of moment then F arrive at to break a precipice on.Make teacher wild sky of pleased heart BE, oneself not only got the spreading of Zhou Dynasty country lotus seed, but also still have to arrive whole body to rarely fix for, Long Xian Zhen's dint is strong just violent in action enough to spare, pliant and tough light Yi shortage, but red lotus the true dint at the right moment made up this blemish, from now on he any further need not worry true dint not help.
The teacher is wild sky after coming, again see that break a precipice F through be filled up, side that person head-like in shape megalith also through with break a precipice conjunction, at this time teacher wild genius depend on sparse see a some ways.Originally this valley is whole to hope to go, unexpectedly is an of the Yang lies of giant shape, such as a giant at this petrochemical general.The teacher is wild sky of to suddenly thought of that halfway up a hill stone house, can not help feeling Wu in the heart:"Would that red lotus stone house be the heart of this giant not to become?"
At this time, disappear a small demon in the valley, think come ten thousand monster the evil gentleman waits person from think to repair good this Shang Dynasty country vein then withdraw go to, "not good!Is much beautiful they ……"the teacher is wild sky of fierce is thoughting of Xuan for sky shuttle, if ten thousand monsters the evil gentleman waits person to withdraw to go, settle however will discover in this Xuan shuttle in the sky in the eyes mountain, cut to teach Evil-doer persons much certainly many, but only much United States fixs to be fraught with grim possibilities for with those ten thousand monster evil gentleman match equally, if true Dou getting up, afraiding of in the middle of the Xuan shuttle in the sky.
The teacher is wild sky of to thought of here, the whole body feels if cover with 1 F cold frost, strange cold matchless, however he well at can also use have never got many beautiful long distances spread sound but ego consolation.
"Being many is beautiful, where are you ?"The teacher is wild sky of to start to carry a highest Xuan achievement, a long distance spreads the Shu of sound to automatically send out, with teacher wild sky of of fix for, even if is the Yao of ten thousand insides, much United States can be also within hearing.
But, waited for a long time, voice but such as disappeared, there is no some echo.
The flash across is one silk bad omen in the teacher wild sky of heart, if fall to ice hole general iciness, "many beautiful ……where are you ?"The teacher is wild sky of again luck work properly to know to feel, but still have no echo.
He raises eyes four hope,google, sees a group of mountain continuous, the verdant green mountain remains, but he has no idea to appreciate this great prosperity to, the body form signs Teng empty, hoary head vulture immediately drive he is from Long Xian Taichung evocable, the teacher is wild sky of to across a vulture of back, jump up a disease to fly.
The teacher is wild sky of anxious, hoary head vulture's seeming to be also has been already checked to feel, the dumb point blares two, the huge wings wing instigates, the Qing engraves and then arrives ten insides outside.
Reckon by wild sky of teacher, yesterday he with Yan three from the Xuan shuttle in the sky to here, also however 100 inside of distance, the hoary head vulture in a twinkling canned immediately arrive.But, make teacher wild sky of disappointed BE, originally in the hillside of the Xuan shuttle deadlock in the sky, all empty at this time.
Teacher wild sky of brain one of the Weng ring, dark way 1:"Hold!Settle however is have an accident!"
At this time, the teacher is wild sky of to suddenly discover, there is still on this hillside the trace to fight, some plants accompany F to break, is exactly the appearance that was swept by the strongest true dint.
The hoary head vulture hovers around in the sky, the teacher is wild sky of F is anxious, even if is many beautiful they drive ten thousand monster evil gentleman capture, those ten thousand monsters the evil gentleman will take them to where?Will take all-powerful teach Zu to go there?If true of such, the teacher is wild sky of perhaps will say that the original sky of appeared publicly.After all, he knows, oneself now although fix for not low, also start with dollar for a sky,Facebook, is all-powerful to teach Zu of these fairies are two evil of the respected master is a Class!
The teacher is wild sky of to tightly knit the brows, the Jing eyes,such as electricity, sweep to see this hillside, his expectation can get one silk spider's thread Ma vestige here, if much beautiful they true of with ten thousand monster the evil gentleman suffer, settle however will also leave clues.
Just when the wild sky of teacher is eager to searching, his after death but quietly appeared the big net that a thinnest black silk constitutes and slowly covered to the him and the hoary head vulture, that black silk is the thinnest, the action is again slow, therefore there is the slightest no voice, if be not cautiously see, also absolutely can not see clearly.
The teacher is wild sky of to miss much beautiful etc. of person's peace or chaos, at this time guard of the heart descend, in addition of this hillside biggest, really annoy the area sweeping is the most wide, he is absorbed in to look for clues, didn't discover a that black silk huge net.
When he realizes of F through Be getting more late, that black silk huge net F through receive toward him an under cover."Is dumb ……", two huge wings of hoary head huge vulture are tied up by that silk screen first, the teacher is wild sky of to is surprised to shout 1:"Is not good!"The body hurtles upward to, have never thought but is bumping online to be played back.
"Hold!Evil silk net in the sky!"Teacher wild sky of F however know one these are exactly ten thousand monster evil gentlemans of satisfied magic weapon evil silk net in the sky,cnn.But, at this time he with hoary head vulture F be knotted on-the-spot tie at in the net, "his mama of ……" teacher wild sky of Long Lian Li wildly flicks but, the desire wants to tear open evil silk net in the sky,suddenly feels on all sides all have the strongest bewitching dint to beat to him.
Distance, F however spread ten thousand monster the evil gentleman and Qi connect the laughter of three demon extremely conceiteds and immediately after see four dark shadows very and soon of to this place Lue, "the teacher is wild sky of, this time you finally fell in my the hand of ten thousand monster evil gentlemans!"

Text 237 spread a country red lotus(bottom)
Renew time:2009-4-72:11:12 chapter word numbers:3334

The teacher is wild sky of don't get F to first fend off to offend with Long Lian Zhen's dint toward own bewitching dint, he still surrounds with hoary head vulture in the net.See is ten thousand monster evil gentleman, he sneers at one- track:"You are this wolf Jing, even if fall in your hand how again?!You chase many the United States they how?!"To know the teacher is wild sky of self-confident and the strongest, although surround evil silk net in the sky in, have no the slightest a Qie idea.Just saw much beautiful etc. the person is among the missing but mind flurried, in really because of feeling deliver.
There is way that is a sky if having feeling were as well old for sky, teacher would be wild sky of if heartless and not intentional person, that can really be getting more without equal in strength.However there are still a words saying, the hero is sad that the beauty closes, really being not a hero can not lead beauty's pass, but don't once think the beauty closes but personal.
"Hey Hey ……" ten thousand monster evil gentleman and Qi connect three demon 4 people moment F go to, laugh wildly not personal, hear teacher wild sky of to ask a much beautiful etc. person, ten thousand monster evil gentleman a burst of Yin smile, way:"What many beautiful are they those three beautiful beauties and that smelly boy?Ha ha ha ……fall a my evil gentleman hand to return an ability how, certainly is a killing of male, the letting of female is getting more comfortable and happy ……"
The teacher is wild sky of to suddenly listen to this speech, the F in heart is a Nu pole, at that moment shout at top of voice, "beast, my teacher is wild sky of if not chase you the Cuo bone Yang ash, the Shi doesn't behave!"Long Lian Li bombs however breaks out, don't tear open evil silk net in the sky as well, just from that hole deeply, the in mid air in a twinkling turned to make one handle three Zhang red Yan huge knife, to ten thousand monster the evil gentleman cut.
"This boy how only have for short three days, fix for unexpectedly such Gao!"Ten thousand monster in the middle of the evil gentleman heart astonishment, see huge knife manner of that true knife fierce, don't dare hard the body answer, preparing a side once hid.Who know that that huge knife soars to the skies to cut to fall at ten thousand monster evil gentleman in front but be willing to in a twinkling change direction, connect three demons toward that Qi horizontal pare but go to.
Qi connect three demons respectively send out one surprised shout, in the moment personal however red light suddenly and violently Shan, avoid F is to cannot compare with, helpless match under 3 people whole body demon dint, at but ex- gather into together thick black matchless evil-minded huge shield.
Bomb however one Be huge to ring, Long Lian Li changes magically of red Yan huge razor blade slice dissipation, the Qi connects three demons respectively stuffy hum a , if the body breaks linear kite to backward and far away fly.Originally, they gather with all strength by 3 people of although the evil-minded shield unwillingly held up red Yan huge knife,the remaining prestige of that dragon lotus true dint still keeps shooting 3 people.
The Qi connects three demons to far away sink into, respectively Zhang Kou spews out a black blood and force steady live a body of form."Good ……boy, unexpectedly make a surprise attack us!"The poison saint sun Sen in Europe is most a craftiness, just he with demon the dint in a twinkling retreat after changing magically huge shield, so get hurt most lightly, although can talk, also F is medium annoy unsteady, but cure left Qiu of saint however with book saint the Mu permit Related articles:


Facebook ady stopped trembl

. relationresultHighSA had the chance to stop this and sword ,although his left hand had been spent, his right hand also can easily take this sword light strike with scattered ,but he did, and his right hand meridian has long been Kang flower cut off ,as long as there is a slight movement ,hands will drop earrings ,the ear drop than his life more precious existence ,in the high SA heart ,she always pure and noble ,how he is not willing to let her fall dust ,dirt ,contamination of firestone .
.. , relationresultHighSA head from the shoulder down, that his eyes ,will look to the north ,through his daughter Hong red figure, through the trials of a long journey ,looking to the north, filled with longing eyes ,still was full of happiness and satisfaction .
relationresultAt this moment,he is still standing body, like a pine stand ,he reached into Kang flower before hand ,already stopped trembling ,ground red nettle ,suddenly uttered a shrill ringing ,the legendary hero ,played the tragic death knell .
relationresultIsthis a moment changes ,stimulation of the almost numb Kang flower ,hesitated from high SA hands ,took the only immersed in his blood earrings ,until now ,the red mist finally cleared, the setting sun shines into the red this space ,as in the high SA eyes ,that eyes canthus ,clearly ,a tear .
.. , relationresultSunset red,hero tears !relationresultPerhaps,the ancient hero sad beauty ,like a spell ,tight hoop in the vast continent of the legendary hero head ,they or corrupt ,or die, the former as the ned Empire legendary hero -- the Dragon Slayer Delong peron .
Stuhlman ,while the latter ,high SA .Perfect verified this curse .relationresultA legendaryhero high SA ,loss ,and another hero ,will step on his body ,rise ,he will be in the wonder of the vast continent, deductive themselves beyond the epic life .
relationresultNow,we remember the name ,the Imperial Knights of the ninth ,Griffey .Stuhlman .relationresultThe fifteenth chapter book turn faster than , relationresultThe setting sunin the western ancient mountains sinking ,leaving a golden arcs ,and clouds of bright rainbow ,as does not belong to the canyon which pools the bright red bloodstain .
relationresultFighting in thebloody rose high SA head at the moment is over ,still survived in the two thousand rose fighters ,collective face their spiritual leader, the high Sa corpse ,sword swords ,whether in heaven or hell ,will always follow their heart blood rose, continue to deduce the undefeated legend .
relationresultGerry Feeley led4000 people almost lost ,survival is less than ten one or two, and everyone was wounded .In contrast as the main orcs will be better, perhaps with calluses this racial superiority of light ,although injured more than half, but the real death only five thousand people .
relationresultThe mountains,canyons ,everywhere is spread all across in confusion bodies ,such as the breeze gently swaying of the leaves, are hung a flesh and blood ,strong bloody gas to not to Canyon as the center spread to the surrounding ,hordes of the beast can nightfall ,began to return to the canyon gathered ,to enjoy a rich dinner party ,Facebook.
relationresultAvulture first arrived ,once again proved that the long wings are always faster than legs .They are from the air like lightning and dive down to touch the ground ,only to find nobody fear them and majestic ,but depressed grabbed a fine-boned human head ,throw the air with a difficult pecking ,cnn,took out still warm eye ,a swallow seems to say ,once again directed by searching for the next target .
relationresultVariousunknown beast flock here ,they rarely because compete for food with each other bite ,because food is too rich .The spirit of the principle in order of arrival ,looks delicious human body naturally became the popular commodities ,never save what the beast Hu eat sea drink ,get dizzy with success simply hybrid ,a time to dance spring called beasts ,again and again .
.. .. , relationresultAllwho fortunately saved a life ,perhaps it is because of this reason ,the orc chieftain especially for smart ,allow this group the United States and Ned Empire remnants in their valley miles of tribal village a night off ,of course ,with a year .
relationresultAt the momentthe Orc tribes was full of laughter ,an orc carrying shields hold sword carrying a lance ,like a upstarts in the tribe of the elderly and children before swagger before others .
Compared with food ,ORC is more about the is a handy weapon ,as long as there are weapons ,no food to grab the other tribe is, is so simple .relationresultThe remainingfive hundred U.S.
soldiers are Ned ,to spring when they drink wine laugh ,excited face no lost comrades grief consciousness ,they risked his red eyes ,seems to see numerous gold and beauty lying in front of them, to find the greatest credit ,although be grief and the noble scum stole ,but they can still see the bright future of returned home after he .
relationresultWar is cruel.In order to success to the heroes the vast continent, no one will remember those lost body count ,they can only cheer for the victory on the battlefield ,with one action of universe heroes prostrate oneself in worship .
relationresultBetween heaven and earth,the last drop of light night has swallowed ,tribal space made a camp fire ,a group looks terrible Orc bonfire rise and dance in a happy mood ,if they are clumsy waist also has beauty at all .
Human soldiers gathered together to eat their has been previously despised roughage, eat with appetite drinking bird .relationresultKanga sit in the corner, holding the Blue Star Earrings hold one ,campfire glow diffraction her face gaunt and helpless .
Karin remained closely following the Kang flower side ,the hands of the handsome flag in breeze blowing fluttering sound ,as in the loud song of victory .relationresultAveryused a delicate hand crossbow from orcs there for several wild fruits ,dragged his injured leg to the Kang flower comes, but after seeing her dazed and cold eyes ,lips do not bother ,turned into a nearby tent ,where ,lived in Gerry Feeley and stayed at his side kate .
relationresultGriffey Leigh in a bizarre dreams, dreams have a like a heavenly voice in his ear to sing, he looked up, the vast darkness had nowhere to go, he is angry, he resigned, he trudged along in the dark.
.. . , relationresultI do not know how far away,or he would stand around in the dark ,finally ushered in the light ,he ran against the light ,he saw that it was an altar ,with arcane magic Rune and a glowing light halo light scattering from the altar stones ,central ,metallurgical purple and demon holy blue perfect together, he was trying to see the light at the end of what ,suddenly see the light Sheng ,blind his eyes ,leaving only a voice in his ear shallow sing ,melody and melancholy .
.. , relationresultWith the smell ofblood fragrance I find a temple , relationresultThe flowers thereis a face in a quiet growth , relationresultIfnot the quiet moonlight can be so cool , relationresultRuinedgrass fragrance emission decay , relationresultThegoddess of beauty in the palace secret garden , relationresultTheyalso miss who with memories .
relationresultThe vinewinding hidden Yu lush revenge , relationresultFor that day tocome to taste the taste of blood soup , relationresultLoveyou and me , relationresultWaiting for alove we are buried.
, relationresultWith the smell ofblood fragrance I find a temple , relationresultLifeof wanton growth of endless sorrow ... .. , relationresultAh ... ! Dreams that seem unbearable sorrow to the extreme grief song ,long a sound ,actually direct sat up in bed .
Of course ,the first time he looked up instead of a face with Kate ,but the arms of red nettle .This let Kate and entered the tent of Avery was speechless .relationresultGerry ,your body is no big deal,google. Related articles:

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The United Statesteam is in front has been formed three two potential .relationresultPaul passes toKobe ,Kobe to the left of James ,and James passed to Anthony on the right ,and the good Xilai Ge Feng Huo up ,Anthony put the ball to the middle high throw ,rapidly from the road to follow Kobe Bryant as an arrow shot up, from the air to get the basketball ,hands is pivoted into the basket !relationresultFast,too fast !relationresultTheattack took only 3.
7 seconds, when Kobe from the rim on the upper balcony falls the floor when ,Chinese players also half before half .relationresultWell,don come back ,in front waiting to attack it, the United States team fast break ,it can be to the Chinese team inside connection player to save energy .
relationresultHere tohigh business soon ,there to quickly produce high ,two different tactical thinking at the same venue plays different wonderful .relationresultKobefree with dunk elegant unsurpassed, caused a scene of fans the scream and shout .
relationresultMVP !MVP !MVP ! , relationresultThisvoice resounded through the Wukesong basketball hall .relationresultAlthough Kobein the dream of eight the most low-key ,but completely conceal his dazzling light, occasionally show extraordinary, star one level appear certainly .
relationresultThe 754th chapter fantasy wars dream dance , relationresultDream eightsuffocating forced body fast break tactics at the Olympics warm-up match carry the world before one ,once they break a ball success or get the rebound ,opponents of the nightmare begins .
The official game, such tactics in the face of host Chinese team still powerful ,led by Kobe 58:53 ,launched the lightning strike ,again to pull open the score to 5 points .relationresultGe Feng ,you are the best ! , relationresultThe combination of the lightning hit ! , relationresultYao Ming ,Yao Ming ,Yao Ming Yao Ming, Yao Ming Yao Ming .
.. ... , relationresult... ... ... ... . ,cnn, relationresultChina possession, the Wukesong Basketball Hall of Chinese fans began on three giant solidarity ,even in the game NBA often sang Yao Ming song was also taken to the Olympic game ,the atmosphere of the scene very unpopular !relationresultSeeing theGe Feng was again Kobe ,Ouyang wild dribble to the right three from beyond the arc ,Yao Ming leans on the Chris - Bosh ,throwing in a right hand to the ball, the ball from Ouyang Ye Chris Paul to head the ball to Yao hanging giant ,Yao Ming ball ,footsteps continuously left and right ,every step out of rhythm and range are not the same ,three .
Two Huang, Bosh missed the opportunity ,google,when he pounced on the side ,suddenly found himself in front of lost Yao giant figure, fierce later ,see Yao Ming has come to him ,even if he moves more quickly ,have great power asthenia !relationresultDream dance,this is the year of Olajuwon will ever O about to cry dream dancing !relationresultThe Rocketsdream dance founder Sigma in secret for Yao giant effect has been shown, this group will be the Dragon King Bosh shook can not find the direction of steps to let the audience see the year Yao Ming will Xiaoaonier shake halo instant classic ,Wukesong arena in the cheers immediately jumped one hundred db !relationresultYao Ming Song louder high !relationresultByBosh Yao Ming directly facing the basket ,the beginning is a potential sinks vigorously arms dunk, rim will be pulled almost with the backboard are parallel ,the body two ,fell on the floor .
Dunk Yao giant also displayed his classic celebrations ,fists clenched, vertical arm chest ,divulges to roared !relationresultPerhaps,he has a long time didn play so cool !relationresultSince Van Gundy took overafter the rocket, rarely see Yao Ming playing like this ,he is mostly the ball directly after the opposing centre-forward head in CIC ,using highly strong ,once let a person indulge in elaborating on the dreams footsteps seems never to see ,at that time ,his technical instructor is a Gorilla Patrick - Ewing ,good, Ewing is a basketball history a great center ,but from Yao Ming ,or Olajuwon as the spiritual technique is more suitable for his footsteps ,changeable ,flexible mind ,just in a soft ,supple in rigidity ,it is our impression of the Yao giant !relationresultNow,a face of a phase of Van Gundy is not on his side and verbose ,Ewing has also left the Rockets ,dreams footsteps founder Sigma to become his technical guidance ,and on the Chinese team ,no one defined his way to attack the basket ,so the audience can see the lost dream dance ,lost Yao Ming !relationresultKobe climbed up topat face depressed Chris Bosh ,smiling to comfort ,to move quickly famous DRAGONLORD was Yao Ming shook the four corners of the world are not known ,it is a very shameful, more awkward is ,this is in the world the people before !relationresultTheToronto raptors ,Bosh star ,is a popular point that the team boss ,which can be affected by this shit ?According to the character of black players ,by this humiliation ,mostly to fight back !relationresultAs expected,the United States team attack ,Bosh ball very strong desire ,frequently out of the get-away, Chris Paul will be the ball to him, the remaining four players began to let him singles Yao Ming .
relationresultBosh isthe location of the basket, retreated to the penalty arc roof ,Yao Ming is hesitant about anti ,dragon has quickly bounces, shooting !relationresultAlthoughhe Xilai follow up ,but the height difference is he could not effectively interfere with Bosh star, Shua ,basketball brush into the basket .
relationresultThe positionto attack ,is NBA many range far center to deal with Yao Ming most effective way ,if Yao Mingfang comes out ,then the basket space undoubtedly left each other breakthroughs at the perimeter players ,if Yao Ming take the basket to come out ,then pulled out of the center to complete their own attack .
relationresultKevin- Garnett ,Carlos - Boozer ,have such demand everything in front of Yao Ming ,coach K Bosh to arrange tactics also is such, from the current point of view ,the effect of good .
relationresult60:55,the difference is 5 points ,this time to me to you, both parties who are more difficult to step out of line .relationresultDue to the history ofthe United States team of Chinese men a huge advantage ,therefore after the opening dream eight players have more or less some underestimate the enemy ,when superstar have found the opponent has bared fangs ready to give them a mouth ,want to hold this momentum, have more difficult ,and in the third section ,the Americans found that ,if it hits, opponent might was the largest Olympic winner !relationresultChineseteam in international competitions, the first half usually have a good play ,usually in the second half began to collapse ,in the locker room, dream eight stars also believe that the beginning of the second half, they overwhelmingly opponent will be defeated ,but the third have played in 1/3 of the time ,the opponent is down bite ,the United States team did not hold obvious superiority .
relationresultThe difference between 5 points,a small climax easily done, no insurance .relationresultAlthoughthe United States to start the third quarter played a small climax ,but Yao Ming after the game, insider attack tactics worked very well ,has been to stabilize the situation ,the United States team hit rate as high as 67.
4% ,Facebook,but still can off the host entanglement .relationresultThe white-hotscene to let the home fans more excited ,cheers intensified .relationresultChineseteam offense .relationresultOuyang Ye,Huo Xilai ,Ge Feng three continued at a high level of continuous thrust roll, in the cover of dart inside player is Ouyang Ye ,Bosh is no longer just stay behind Yao Ming ,but frequently at the top before the Yao Ming body interference him the ball ,defensive front is also flexible to deal with Yao Ming effective weapons center . Related articles:


google the Ao Xing and t

Appeared in the Secret Star ? Zhang Yangyi listened to the day after asking a few questions .relationresult!What is this ! Yin Zuozheng and his encounter Ao Xing their things in great detail ,after Zhang Yangcai understand why Ao Xing they will come here .
relationresultDragon elder they put into forced back from the mountain after Kun ,became an island !The inside of the people cannot go out ,outside of the people do not come in ! The days for this situation was very difficult .
relationresultThey should have strong with the eight phantom array !That sounds interesting .Sea big brother you rest assured ,their arrogance soon ,I get rid of them ! Zhang Yang then ready to go out, but a sea day pull .
relationresult!I know that you do a great progress ,but the other side there are now five or six cents you outside, you alone Gu of situation only force ,how also not their opponents !I think I notify the Dragon elder they come ? Sea day kindly remind tract ,eyes reveal to the public interest .
relationresultIn the face ofthe day concerned eyes ,a warm current flowing through the publicity of the heart .But now the publicity can not kill Hu Zhihua before the time in order to repair ,and now he a level Immortal Emperor ,Immortal Emperor Jun that is equivalent to the immortal stone on the egg ,but he did not reject the day care .
relationresultSea of big brother !You may rest assured ,I will not happen, if you don worry if you can access to the Ao Xing them, let them come in ,so what did not have any menace from the ! , relationresultYes.
Just how did not expect this, through publicity reminder ,Facebook,the days become enlightened at once .Out communications jade Jane gave Ao Xing sent a summons .After finishing the day make publicity arraignment ,sit down .
Staring at the publicity studied ,see public eyes looked as if to see a monster .Zhang Yang was the day look somewhat uncomfortable ,slightly turned to find other people are staring at her ,which makes Zhang Yang not understand some of your promise ,temporarily not to ignore the outside person, how has such a look at their own .
relationresultThe sea ... ... Sea big brother !This is your ... ? Zhang Yang not understand some asked .relationresult!All these years you what happened ,you change is too large ,your practice and your experience is really fantastic ! Sea day averted their eyes watching out of the door when it comes to .
Although very easy, practical Shanghai wide day is full of curious ,and curiosity about his also represent the ideas of other people .relationresultSea of big brother !A few owner !This fact also is the lucky chance coincidence ,I can only tell you so much ,now you know less, you will be safe .
I am sorry ,brother hoi ! Zhang Yang apologized to help all at sea shark .relationresultIn the face ofpublicity for the day ,and gave him an understanding look . !You don ,we just curious .
These are your personal privacy ,we also have no right to intervene ,as long as we know you and our hearts are connected, we are at ease ! Speak comfort to the day and expressed their understanding of his practices .
relationresultThe big brother ,thank you ! Publicity gratefully said ,google,thank them for their understanding .Everything ended, some things can tell them ,but now is not the time .Publicizing thought .
relationresult!Childe ! Ao Xing their voices in the hall outside the ring .Then the Ao Xing and the tigers two people crashed into the hall .relationresult! Once again see the publicity they looked very excited .
relationresultAo Xing ,only the two of you to ?Feng Xia who ? Zhang Yangjian is only two of them come very strange .relationresultOh.Feng Xia they Uranus ,today things more so ... ...
! Here the Ao Xing will stop talking .The following words without him ,publicity also know .relationresultThat is good !Have you two is enough !We now go out to those people outside clearing ! Zhang Yang and ready to go out ,but was stopped by AO xing .
relationresult!It is here we go ! , relationresultHow?Here is my site, I want to personally shot is ? Publicity is stupefied ,asked .relationresultIt was not !But how can you do these things you ? Ao Xing is not naturally speaking .
relationresultThat Stop bitching ,now and I went out to sea in big brother ,you stay here ! That man has disappeared in front of them .relationresultTeleport ! Everyone is startled ,the publicity not only Jun class quality !Sea day sighs .
relationresultThe sea. !Here you don go ! Ao Xing finished and the tigers Two also disappeared in the hall .relationresultFrom the mountainat the foot of the mountain, Feng Zhiyao and a few cents you are talking about the things from the mountain ,more than a year has passed ,the inside hill is resist ah ,always does not come out .
It said it ,a sound that they suddenly looked up at the sound .relationresultIn the 376th chapter,by go die , relationresultUpdate: 2010-2-1222:56:30 chapter number :3161 , relationresultInvon away from the mountain they talk about the inside of the case when, suddenly a strange sound ,let they look up to the sound source ,their distance from less than three yards place stood a systemic black young man .
You leave ! Cold and irresistible voice made Feng Zhiyao their fear .A few people with mind and thought master ! , relationresultMa xiong !Know him ? Feng Zhiyao acoustic to side a fairy king asked .
A little familiar, it seems that where ever seen ,but it is not ! This is Feng Zhi .Known as Ma brother man thought for a while after speaking to .relationresultWhois it. To the human voice while allowing them to mind one shake, but for a long time to form long great superiority to let Feng Zhiyao do not think he will get what he ,as long as they show an identification ,believe he should quit .
relationresultGet out of here ! Cold voice again from the Black Shirt Youth mouth spit .And say once again the same words ,let Feng Zhiyao feel the seriousness of the situation .relationresultSenior.
We are God Yaoxian fan ,fan Yaoxian in emperor in this task execution . Although Feng Zhiyao mouth refer to each other as predecessors ,but did not make the seniors in the eye ,start carried out of the fan to fan away, away from the head to press this black man .
relationresultHa-ha.Who is Fan Yao ?I can be whatever you who is in command to execute what be out of order command ,now here is my site ,you immediately to withdraw from thousands of miles away !Otherwise the unforgiven ! When it comes to kill time tone increase significantly ,but a murderous look not much, if any of the black people .
relationresultFeng brother ,I come to think of it ,he was publicity !He did not die ! That horse you people think to some familiar, but never think of it,cnn, just carefully back then ,finally come to think of it ,that man is immortal emperor and Song Kun Biaoxian emperor looking for publicity, but he was not the people for publicity killed surprised .
relationresultAre yousure .Feng Zhiyao eyes and see the publicity, acoustic to a brother . Sure ! , relationresultHear theanswer in the affirmative ,Feng Zhiyao to play suddenly feel very awkward ,his appearance will take the level three monster emperor appears .
But now they have yet to appear ,it is strange, isn the man is an impostor .In his on the side opposite the publicity generated when in doubt ,two figures emerged in public .relationresult! Somebody is Ao Xing and tigers .
See Ao Xing came ,Feng Zhiyao and several other Immortal King changed .They come again ,it seems that black people are really made for publicity ,from their respectful look ,very , Related articles:

google r more than a month

To face together .It can not let you alone to do .Even if I will I Shura door disciple will not agree .relationresultPaul Chunfinished by other people ,do not agree with the practice of publicity is publicity ,but has its own purpose ,no case of division, though a bit more ,but scattered ,but this has not been without extremely deadly seriously ,we do not know the ins and outs, so do it is relatively much more secure ,if the back door to participate ,so soon in an all-out fighting, and it really is, cause destruction to both sides .
Something secret or better .Zhang Yang put these reasons to herself, Paul Chun had to step back and say: the Zhang Yang brothers or such ,we can not send a large number of personnel involved, but can I please give us a few scattered the predecessors to help you ,what do you think? , relationresultYang seePaul Chun or disapproved of his actions alone ,that is the Qin Peizhen afraid oneself what is accidental ,it is to us as one of their own to see .
But now if loose magic dispatched ,Sanxian will deal out ,it will cause unimaginable situation .So the publicity or rejected Paul Chun ,but in the final had promised Paul Chun only when his party cannot go on when the door reaches out for the requirements of shura .
Paul Chun saw publicity so consistently ,also cannot be in demand ,but Paul Chun also knew of publicity in the birch forest the treasures that the action is a great help .Just thought necessary ,even if not speaking to publicity personnel sent to support .
relationresultThen in theconsult other details ,basically for electrodeless in action so settled .The on the face of it the biggest beneficiaries is Shura door ,is in fact a publicity himself in Lingyin Zong to prepare ,then as long as their own in the eradication of an electrodeless religious division ,leaving Lingyin case name ,not afraid of sector knows Lingyin clan name ,but this is for Yin Zong campaign .
And no case against the school martial art .relationresultIn fact,publicity not Shura portal helping another reason lies in the autumn ,autumn leaves behind but I support .I was practicing the evil spirit race .
Ask some evil spirit race against strong ,electrodeless religious Division also not capture an enemy easily ,but this is only the case cannot but do so ,at present is not needed ,with Ye Qiu in those cases ,no division people should also not their opponents ,and his uncle who is crossing the time master .
And his two brothers come to distraction period, the battle for electrodeless religious division is essentially a nightmare .Number of cases and everyone is looking for immortal ,no case could not for everyone .
In the equipment and power on the absolute superiority of electrodeless Zong division can only be lambs to the slaughter .relationresultAt theend of the negotiation ,public communications jade Jane shaking .
Zhang Yang took the jade in the face of a smile .relationresultIn the ninety-first chapterit down , relationresultUpdate: 2010-2-515:40:24 chapter number :3576 , relationresultPaul Chun andDan publicity watching communications jade after simply smile on the face ,he asked : what good publicity brothers say everyone happy ! , relationresultZhang Yang did not speakbut cited jade Jane handed side Xie soft before said to Paul Chun : just cited jade Jane is my master came ,google,my teacher told me he had and I be there is no go down .
, relationresultThis is the first time Paul Chunheard that his master in publicity ,publicity Master heard coming down from the mountain ,Paul Chun can not help on the publicity of the identity and his master was more curious ,and from public discourse he has uncle and brother, then that publicity should look is a Xiu faction disciple, but the publicity has been that is not how to sell, so it won he is which martial art student ,he actively speak his master came down from the mountain ,so soon that publicity is .
relationresultXie Routhen took Zhang Yang jade Jane looked after, happy to Zhang Yang said : master, master really coming down . It is long time no see Master ,in fact they only went down for more than a month .
Liu Tianting Zhang Yang said the master them going down is also very happy ,master once they down said Lingyin case comeback road begins .relationresultZhang Yang fromSheffield soft took the jade Jane input a message was sent out .
Zhang Yang Jane in jade told him master in the Black Mountains ,while the Black Mountains location told master .Soon the public communications jade Jane is shocked ,publicity look after .
The people said : ,my master will come here, I have trouble Qin door . , relationresultPaul Chun heardZhang Yang was so kind ,will pretend to some not happy and said: I said the Zhang Yang brothers ,you and I are League ,Facebook,allies .
How can that be trouble ,and you see people come here ,it is my honor is Shura door ,trouble ,so you said so a little stranger . , relationresultZhang Yang listened tothe words of Paul Chun also feel too polite, they let the other gap is generated, so after listening to Paul Chun said : Qin door main saying is ,that is to say something to you here ,I apologize ! Paul Chun listened to publicize it laughing .
While the next few elders from the outset that his door main was installed, after the publicity after the word is at the side of a laugh .relationresultZhang Yang sawthe Shura door several senior laughing ,cnn,do not understand what is going on ,don I just put my foot in my mouth ?Carefully thought for a moment ,and did not say what ah .
A quizzical look back look Xie soft et al ,who is also at a loss .Paul Chun saw publicity such a state is bad ,to publicize the mysterious said: play brother you are cheated ,I deliberately say so ,do not think you are serious .
, relationresultZhang Yangknew why ,also an awkward smile a smile in answer to the .Paul Chun saw Zhang Yang embarrassed, I may have ,then they said to Zhang Yang : Zhang Yang ,I think we discuss here today ,I give and take you to other hospital stay, you will feel at ease here waiting for your master ,I will arrange the Shura door disciple to Blackwater mountains one thousand miles away at your master .
, relationresultZhang Yangheard Paul Chun arrangements ,thinking that the arrangement or .So he and Xie Rou Liu day thanked Paul Chun ,a line of four in and led down to the other homes ,it don school is when Zhang Yang their first visit to the Shura door place to live ,so in a way that other homes and entrance time, and said to Zhang Yang : don you brother this academy also familiar with ,there are more than 10 room ,I would not arranged for you ,you choose ,I will not go in .
Zhang Yang listen to and that is not being polite said, walking ,and excused myself .relationresultPeoplein other homes ,Liu day chose had its own room ,leaf autumn walked chose nearby Liu day room ,publicity and Xie soft two room is beside Ye Qiu .
They lived in this home on the East four rooms .Ten days to say not short ,say long is not long, since nothing is the ten days time to develop .They all use the ten days to practice .
relationresultZhang Yangentered the cultivation state, came to the element knowledge into the pubic region ,found that the original source of the youngsters and thunder Zhuanzhu also had some changes ,although some tend to harmonious origin of youngsters and ray Zhuanzhu now have more harmonious performance . Related articles: