
Beats by Dr Dre Pro month isn't good s

, As long as someone intrudes into our holy lands, all anyway must bring back a clan inside"
From their dialogues, know that we are to be getting more unable to leave, originally want to take out weapon and they are hard to ascend probably can kill a blood road, however under the sistuation that don't know their ability, if have any mishap can bother, after all now finish the joss-stick of Yan Ning don't fight ability at all.
When I consider, they have already been round and round to surround two of us from three directions, probably remains hard rush an one way, however turn a head to see over joss-stick of Yan Ning to just and the hard way want to draw out lance in response to the enemy, I the handle knob put on her sword right away and press sheath once, however the Hou towards half person's horse of calling the Huo Si to say:"We return to with you"
Hear me this Mo on saying, over joss-stick of Yan Ning right away hasty way:"China eldest brother, they don't know is an enemy is a friend, so very dangerous of, perhaps they are the allieses of lion clan also uncertain"
The words of over Yan Ning joss-stick just finished saying, Huo Si immediately the denial ground said:"This you trust, we are the concealed clans in monsters clan, Anne receives other monster clans of forest really don't know our existence, and we are peaceable one clans, as long as make sure you to we harmless Hou, I think that the clan grows up a person and then will put you to walk is"
Lead to the road of their settlement up, under the explanation of Huo Si, we probably understand them the business of this clan, originally they before were also other heel monster clans to live together, however was drawn in a lion, tiger two clan wars to almost exterminate entire by hundreds of years.
So the clan at that time was long to lead bottom, whole clans remains not much of clansmen to move into this, from now on didn't have contact with other races any further by Hou.
Of so will know that we are person's clans, is because at ordinary times the elders in the clan all will going under the knowledge tradition of preceding generation, so they just know our identities.
Nevertheless, they still keep seeing with own eyes mankind for the first time, so all worry all the way us to ask east to ask west.
Led for three hours around, our a group of people eventually the Wu arrived at small village front door, before building front door, the soil that sees from the soil yellow's or so twoses are each to place two lifelikely and only Cape monster statue.
However when other half person's clansmen horses see our at the same time, be like see the similar scream of ghost run away and only have little parts of curiosity strong combine courage the bigger talented person dare to approach us.
BE rounding the person of view more and more at the same time, I and over Yan Ning joss-stick be taken to one to look in addition to more luxurious house, however Hou Huo the Si turn a head to toward us to hand over to need ground to say:"Is the house of elder here, you are here etc., my forerunner notifies 1"
Nod to mean to understand Hou at us, the Huo Si without telling anyone walked into.
Very soon, from the inside spread the voice of Huo Si to say:"The friend of outside, you can come in"
Enter into Hou inside the house, right away see Huo Si just and a half with age person's confabulation horse write.
"The clan grows up a person, these 2 are that we see a stranger in the holy land" Huo Si points at me at this time and over Yan Ning joss-stick, however the Hou towards a clan to grow an introduction way.
But the clan Be long to took a look our Hou at this time, stretch out to toward me to shake hands form ground to say:"The friend of person's clan how are you, I am that person, Ma Zu,'s clan is long- Martin's road is virtuous"
In a burst of salutation and introduce myself Hou, person, Ma Zu, didn't sit the habit of chair, so Martin's road is virtuous and then makes people moves two pieces of big stones to come in to let me and over the joss-stick of Yan Ning can sit down the leg of Xie Xie.
"Two friends of person's clans, you is how does the Mo arrive at our person, Ma Zu, ?"Martin's road is virtuous to curiously toward us to ask at this time.
"Is such ………" however Hou I will receive the matter that the forest takes place at Anne, from beginning to end said 1 time with him, because at come of road up I have already known that they aren't the allies of lions clan, so I didn't conceal more.
BE finishing listenning to my words Hou, the Martin's road virtuous elder sighed 1 first and said:"Who would have thought that led that Mo several years, these two clans still didn't change, still keep being still a sworn enemies, think in those early years our ancestries were also the wars that is drawn in them and almost exterminated entire, so just taking is the remaining of the clansmen move into here and want to be for quick 200 years also..…."
Be Martin's road virtuous be in the past thinking of at the same time, over the joss-stick of Yan Ning suddenly ask a way:"The clan grows up a person, since you have already known that we are harmless to nobility, that can put us to return to, because of also someone at worry about our whereaboutses!"
Hear over Yan Ning fragrant once this Mo say, Martin's road is virtuous to appear to be reluctant t ground to answer a way:"Two friends of person's clans, although I know that you are harmless to our person, Ma Zu, , however your mistake rushes our holy land, so I can not put you to return to, unless ……"
Chapter 5(two
"Unless Shi Mo?"Over joss-stick of Yan Ning cross-examines a way.
"Unless you can pass the test that our ancestry leaves, as long as passing, that is then going to and stay, all listen to!"
"That is the Shi Mo test?"Over joss-stick of Yan Ning curiously asks.
Martin's road is virtuous from the in front that puts at us of paper book that the cupboard of flank takes out a few dusts already a long time at this time, however the Hou says:"This is the test that the ancestry of our person, Ma Zu, leaves, ask you to pick three challenges from it!"
Draw lots!Depend~~my luck Be never good to lead, each time take part in to draw prizes isn't a toilet paper is a soap of, connect invoice even 200 didn't also medium lead, don't even say too happy …….
Thought of here, I finishes handing over to right away this task the joss-stick of Yan Ning, hope that her luck can be more quite a few than me, perhaps inside still have paper book to directly pass Be getting soer much the better.
In my entertain foolish ideas of at the same time, over the joss-stick of Yan Ning have already picked three paper books ofs and in sequence hand over Martin's road in the virtuous hand, however Hou he opens the first paper book to read a way right away:"With clan inside the first warrior compare force"
Ah?!Shi Mo!Over Yan Ning joss-stick that Ni son incredibly take out a label to me king, is really a XX she whole family OO!Seem at present want Ge fart …….
Martin's road is first virtuous at this time in paper book hand that hand over Huo Si, however the Hou immediately after says:"Saw come to this task and then hand over to you"
"Yes elder!"At that moment the Huo Si lays by paper book, and turn a head to toward me to ask a way right away:"The friend of person's clan, that shines on the rule that our person, Ma Zu, duels, I early in the morning tomorrow wait you in the square, the tonight ask you to like rest to keep enough spirit" words fully selfishly leave.
And Martin's road Be virtuous to also hand over to need other clansmens to take us to go in a rest at this time.
Arrive at room and close a Hou, over joss-stick of Yan Ning towards me to ask a way:"China eldest brother, you tomorrow have confidence to win?Wanting don't I be getting bester?"
Hear her once this Mo ask, I shake ground to answer a way right away:"Is not good, your hand just mounted, had no one ten and half days the month isn't good, so still I am a little bester"
Finish the joss-stick of Yan Ning to also know at this time his/her own hand wound don't 癒 , and is seeing the muscle of the body of Huo Si photogenic rock sort, she in fact also has no confidence to win.
When we vex, a burst of knock on door a pair of we is to the pullout reality.
BE opening a Hou, just take we together come back of an among those half person's clansmen horse walked come in and towarded us say:"The clan grows up a person to make me come over to explain in detail the rule that the tomorrow duels all of a sudden for 2, the rule is easy, only the one party surrenders, death or faint even if divide a victory or defeat, understand like this?"
The explanation Hou that hears him loudly scolds a way in my heart:"Depend~~~ the Shi Mo call easy, this putting is clearly the wire entanglements brawl that is like WWF, the talented person who only live can come out, and want to beat to also want to seek one to be just about of, Huo Si that Mo is "big" a , the Gan frailty directly surrenders still quicker"
In this time,Beats by Dr Dre Pro, over joss-stick of Yan Ning towards that half person, Ma Wen Dao, :"That always can say that the Huo Si is used the weapon of Shi Mo or exceled Shi Mo for our reference for a while?"
"This is all right" the half person's horse promises Hou, a little bit tidied up for a while and said with a smile:"In fact our person, Ma Zu, most excels an use double knife and bow and arrow, even if even the Huo Si is no exception.
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