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Excitement.Think think, this just way:"Elder brother, will you count a Shu?Mr. Wu returned to our a number Shu, I didn't also want out."Expectantly looking at Chen Wan Rong very much.
The mindset originally been embracing to try and see to Chen the glory late ask for help and have never thought to order at lifting of Chen Wan Rong under really ask for help towards coming out, Chen again glory not from getting very being excitement, deciding then to Chen late glory.
The elephant Wu Jing university like this asks a house, the scholarship is encyclopedic, wade slightly the most wide, he will count Shu very normal, Chen Wan Rong isn't surprising at all.This Wu Jing although the vegetable didn't strive for noodles,Chen Wan Rong extremely worships at his personal character elegant appearance, he the of be naturally offering a glimpse of actually, ask a way:"What?"
On smelling this speech, Chen again glory not from must rejoice to can not help:"Elder brother, these are the few Shus of the monk is on the whole.The Wei E thou temple doesn't know much more several monks inside the temple in the mountain.364 bowls coincidentally run out not to differ to contend for.The 3 people total meal is rice, 4 people totally drink soup.Excuse me, the Sir can calculate, much more several monks inside the temple in mountain?"
The literature achievement of our ancestry the bottom is deep, way several with write a poem similar, all of the rhyme Cape standard are used ascend, read that the Lang Lang imitates fluently the Buddha is reading Tang Shi, sound pleasing, people don't admire all don't go.
"The breadth of view comprehensiveness of Mr. Wu!"Chen Wan Rong is full of praise to Wu Jing.
Chen again glory year 16, equal to we the current junior high school living, and he still learns a poem book of, not is to major in to count Shu, this is equal to we the current school of arts living.This is a dollar simple equation, living to a junior high school school of arts to say that being a thinking is very suitable.
Is difficult in this case live other people are a matter son that shows face very much, with Wu Jing's scholarship be than of this difficult decuple he also ability, but he doesn't have a more difficult topic to show his own rich talent, but is together suitable of topic, in he this breadth of mind Chen Wan Rong admire very much.
Again the Chen glory is Wu Jing and dumps, although not understand Chen Wan Rong why speaks favorably Wu Jing and still beat in the mind noodles and agree with Chen Wan Rong:"Who say be not?"
The Chen glory late started a solution:"These monk 3 people have rice, 4 people drink one soup, how many bowls is so each monk used?"Chen Wan Rong has already calculated an answer, for the sake of Chen of Ya chain again the thinking ability of the glory, Chen the glory late don't have a report to come out.
Again Chen glory turn a burst of eye pupil, this just hesitate a way:"31 plus 41, be 12-7.Elder brother there is bowl likes this?"31 is 1/3 of our modern, 41 is a quarter, 12-7 is 7/12, the ancients doesn't have several cents of several parlanceses.
In his imagination, having a meal can be a person to use a bowl, which useful 7/12 the truth of bowl, this is exactly this key to, Chen Wan Rong gives him explanation way:"You don't want to be into the matter in the life, what this topic want is a proportion."
This bends a to turn to come over, other problems solved problems with the greatest ease, Chen again the grasping of glory excitement wrote a "some" word on the ground since firewood grain and before wrote in the some word again up 12-7.Underneath one step be put some word on the left side, 364 and 7-12 put on the right side, slightly on computing, write on the ground"624".
Our ancestry solution also use unknown, but isn't XYZ that we are familiar with, but use some, so-and-so, so-and-so some, Chen again the glory is this some equal to unknown X that we use now.
Answer is exactly 624, Chen again the glory is an excitement very much, looking at the word of ground, don't live to clap forehead, regret very much:"Elder brother calculates so.I have been thinking where have 31 bowls, 41 bowls, so don't thought of."(Press:This I didn't also calculate out during the days in the primary school, reason and Chen again the glory was similar, had never once turned this curved, with life contact together, have never thought this was just a proportion.Not only I didn't solve out, we the class don't have a personal solution to come out, I remember to be mathematics a teacher very clearly solution over, send out an one surprised voice in classroom, my daughter livings involuntarily of the Wu shut up.)
"Late glory, do you also solve to count a Shu?Old headman, late glory more and more ability."Always steady heavy Chen Wang Shi any further had no inside in normal times of hold heavy, a touch Chen honesty, favour not the Kua of the Die Chen Wan Rong.
"Is capable, really capable, very able!"Honesty Chen doesn't live to rub a hand and smile the mouths all match Long not, the simple language deeply wears endless of happy.Chase the lo lo of Chen Wan Rong, chase Chen again again the glory see, the eldest son is smart ability, second son cleverness skillful, two sons stand together, is endless hope, regardless which is a father of be this of the feeling will smile have no crease.
Chen again the glory pleased Zi Zi say:"Elder brother, March, every year three we learn buildings to all want to take us to have an outing to Wei water and sing a hymn to make to endow with by that time, the allied sentence sings with, not very noisy.Being ex- several times is all home to give me money, this year I need not flower home of money, must be taken out money by Mr. Wu."
He happily isn't a home province money, but get Wu Jing the university like this asks favor.Can get Wu Jing the university like this ask favor, is the business son of highest brilliance, change to make who all will exciting Mo Ming.
All tang dynasties city is Chang-an, but Chang-an in the strand of Wei water,www.beatsbydrdreaustralian.com, all want to swarm about Wei water to step spring to play to visitor's private's sons in spring each time, this and our current springs visit about.
Wu Jing's scholarship is encyclopedic, the personal character doesn't show off scholarship best and give the students the topic of the just right, this lets Chen Wan Rong from the in the mind admires.However, Chen Wan Rong has a little again curious, want mathematics achievement bottom that try and see him actually have much deep, wanted to think a way:"Then glory, I also have a topic and read to understand for Mr. Wu, he solves."
The ability is difficult to live Wu Jing the university like this asks the house one greatly quick matter that is a life and allow who will enjoy, Chen again although the glory didn't want the bad idea that Wu Jing brings shame, made him nerve-racking is also pleased in all his life of matter, the favour gives decision a way:"Elder brother, must crux, not difficult do not, difficult not live Mr. Wu."
This words are quite right, Chen the glory changed idea while late signing, decision together very difficult topic, slightly a had idea while turning a mind to sign:"I this is concerning plant a tree:20 trees, go each time four, how plant just can at most go a number?Want to ask Mr. Wu to draw a diagram."
"Elder brother, this isn't difficult?"Chen again the glory don't know that this is mathematics that together enjoys high prestige in the world, several a hundred years come difficult poured numerous mathematicians, also thought that this is the together very simple topic.
This at first sight nothing important greatly not, think carefully under just understand among them have much difficult, connect big mathematician Gauss also to difficult live, Chen Wan Rong also not much adds an explanation:"You say to know for Mr. Wu and then go, Mr. Wu will understand."Wu Jing can not necessarily solve is this, but can see this topic with his taste and the scholarship have much difficult, to this Chen the glory late believe deeply to doubt not.
"Elder brother, I remembered."Again the Chen glory nods to promise.
The interjection of Chen honest surprise rings out:"See quickly, there is fire alkali in the pot."
Chen Wan Rong's favour twists head one lo, water in the pot already quick have no, many fire alkali crystallizes appear in the pot.Hoping is white of crystallize, Chen again the glory is excited to almost spring up, point at a pot inside, happy infinite of call way:"Is true, true of, there is really fire alkali in Shui-li!"He sees with own eyes fire alkali in Shui-li for the first time, not none of excitements goes.
The favour of Chen Wan Rong backed the firewood grain in the cooking stove and used a slow fire to slowly evaporate, lead about small half of two-hour period, this just evaporate complete.After waiting fire alkali to cool off, with the oil paper wrap, tie up fast, prevent°from tide once, this just have finally come to completion.
Hope one big pack of fire alkali, Chen honesty happy infinite, looking at package don't live to rub a hand, good elephant that is the glistening silver.Chen again the glory interest still don't exert, didn't go to school as well, don't live on the package to daut.
Wait until**after cooling off, the sky has already been getting blacker, one family this just hugs kitchen to cook a meal.Connect honesty Chen that always don't enter kitchen to also help to beat to start, embrace firewood grain, build a fire this matter all of him to wrap.The Chen glory late slices vegetables and cooks, everything experienced, it isn't happy to make Chen Wang Shi of matching the Long mouth, looking at Chen Wan Rong ha ha Related articles:

