
Monster Beats of the one waters of

The year ago strong quite a few is doubly!However the island jail was the whole interstellar alliance jail the heavy type makes of jail, solid if strongly fortified city, even if is send one whole fleet robs jail is also don't may chase person's extrication."
The Xiao Yu is empty ground the words don't think for Ba Sa Luo idea.One whole fleet that is what concept, only afraid the whole orchid Di Si the planet can capture,still offend not next the orchid Di Si planet ascend a very small jail?(However the very quick Xiao Yu is empty to then know to expect Sa of Luo be not at brag)
The thou Si tower man ignores to expect Sa Luo, again way, "in fact my granddaughter can compare in natural endowments no man of engine, even if is I am to consumedly cannot compare with, can only cherish for these more than ten years, the time has been being closed in the jail, there is no good good development, otherwise of words first set 100 rate of the anti- material engine early published!"
"You blow!Now the energy utilization of the most advanced anti- material engine just however 20, inside the interstellar alliance equip the celestial spirits class machine AN of this kind of engine not over 200, 100 that is what concept, if develop, know the meaning that will have what kind?Only afraid will break out the fifth-time machine A revolution, anti- the true ability for materially annihilating the energy brought while having a preface control 100 of be made use of, everythings of this world will be changed!Can bring this kind of only having of change absolute being, not your granddaughter!"Expect Sa Luo Be some to jealous ofly say.
Thou Si tower man but also not hasty, on the contrary say with smile, "before decade you start jealous my granddaughter, your current reaction very normal, this explains your body is healthy, haven't got an Alzheimers disease!This than have a big check to still want at the hospital of precision!"
Expect Sa Luo seem to be always to say however the thou Si tower man, and then start at part living to have stuffy air.
Listen to these two old guys often of come to ascend two, the Xiao Yu is empty but is 12 years old to this enter the girl of jail, had curious several centses, and this is curious be gradually increasing, a genius- powered designer is empty to come to say to the current Xiao Yu and lure dint really very big.
The information that the wood soup gives Xiao Yu empties send out an important guide line at this time, the latter double eye becomes bright of hope an engine heap in a style of regardless shape, none of a structure still styles is very attractive of engine way, "if my extrication your granddaughter, I take away that set engine!"
The face of the thou Si tower man and Ba Sa Luo 2 people top immediately a surprised, because the Xiao Yu empty engine pointed is exactly 2 people's these in the last yearses for this key place that pays, one set raises the energy utilization to 25 anti- material engines ……
Two old man beginnings are from the new valuation at present this young man come, obviously he isn't a random, keep the look in the eyes of Zhao from he can see, his understanding that unattractive engine very much is exactly what.
The thou Si tower man 1 pair brightly spreads to let out one strange brilliance of putting on in the big eye, this young man is remarkable, the noodles is last but some to difficultly say, "change individual of, this set engine still lacks many spare partses, the inner part hasn't completely worked well as well!You even if take to can not also use!"
The Xiao Yu is empty to shake head a way, "will it, otherwise trade don't establish!"
The thou Si tower man and Ba Sa Luo sees one eye with each other, each other communicates information, the latter although making every effort to deliver can not of information, on grinding teeth, the former's way, "all right!Want ~only you to come my granddaughter's extrication it is yours!"
The Xiao Yu is so empty to have no beat hair, again way, "what I wanted is one set integrity of can use of engine, so at the time that I took away it musted be to use of, otherwise traded still don't establish!"

The text chapter 149 island jail
Renew time:2008-8-2414:00:46 chapter word numbers:4660

Chapter 149 island jail
The Xiao Yu looking at to left empty, Ba Sa Luo unreasonablely says, "old thou the tower want to think know, the this set anti- material engine is that you is all strenuous efforts of these in the last yearses, its meaning is far much more important than your granddaughter, ……!"
The thou Si tower man doesn't wait to expect Sa Luo to finish saying the words then raise a hand way, "I from have proper restraint, in fact this set anti- material engine, and a few count for much keys ordering me have been canning not hold, even if you give me the breeze to drill now, this set machine can not also revolve as usual, I have to get my granddaughter's help the line is just!"
Expect Sa once the flash across of Luo's old face put on a doubt, cans not help asking a way, "want your granddaughter's help?Although your granddaughter has superhuman natural endowments in the engine, but she after all the early years wear the stripe personality also more peculiar, the foundation theory isn't very firm either, probably can some astonishing small invention, really need to move up the true space of, it is nothing doing to afraid of!After all the knowledge storage is too little!"
The thou Si tower man smiles, "you haven't to know, my that granddaughter not only only is a brain area to develop 75 geniuses, but also owns a special technical ability, she can need not begin to read to assemble engine with the idea, in fact, this technical ability wasn't to use to assemble engine at first, was at will a kind of technical ability that canned pass consciousness control metal, just afterwards this wench her own technical ability gave excellent turned, majored in own a fondness for of item."
Expect Sa Luo astonished way, "separate empty take a thing?"
"Is strict to come to speak, should be separate empty take metal!Must be metal to just go, other materials aren't all right."
"No wonder that your granddaughter ability the little age break out of youth take care of to teach planet several times, this technical ability is really very strong!"Expect Luo's old face of Sa up present one silk strangely ray of light.
"Yes.Unfortunately she but be so closed for several years, miss how much change a historical opportunity, that boy if can really come her extrication of words, I take anti- material engine of this set still worth.Certainly if he works hard impurely words.I can let when the time comes whole cosmoses most youngly machine A saint rode to kill him!"The thou Si tower man once the sudden facial expression sink, the corner of mouth once put on to craftily smile an idea.
It is again shocked to expect Sa Luo.The mouths all have some to tie knot, " say ……Ji ……Ji Nuo ……already ……have already become machine A saint to ride?"
(The Ji Nuo is the thou Si tower place name word of granddaughter Fu)
The thou Si tower man mysterious cachinnation gets up.He ground behavior have already answered Ba Sa Luo's question very realistically, the whole exert in the middle of doing not talk.
"That boy, even if have the ability extrication the Ji Nuo, only afraid also had no ability to take her to this."The thou Si tower man self-confidence is full to fullly say, finish saying and start the drum of Dao rise engine ……
The island jail is located in positive center of the one waters of the orchid Di Si biggest planet,Monster Beats, the jail locates at on the unknown island, the area of island has ten square kilometers around, on all sides wreath sea.Leave a land recently, be apart from my about more than 4000 kilometerses, naturally|=|run to lead to zero, because the process escaping still rather stays in the jail to come at easely and escapes to almost mean to die.
Weather in the surroundings waters is also very bad, this is almost the orchid Di Si planet is most the district of low class.
Much especially federative republic inside probably have above 70% of heavy type the prisoner be all jailed here, several ten inshore planets, this prisoner's number can think but it, therefore the whole jail almost overalied the whole group of islands and constructed a jail directly rooted out the whole group of islands to reconstruct.
Hope to be up to the wall outside the jail of 50 meters.The Xiao Yu is empty to also have some to risk danger, arrive not because of this height.
This guard that takes is very deeply strict, even if is a mosquito the probing into of very difficult dodge radar know my ground also the heavy type makes in, there are the backs of many people all having a huge racket, the real strenght of these rackets allows of no small Qu naturally, some even is the head of group of large pirate regiment.
If these people need not large force watches, affirmation is pass don't live of, otherwise early be gone for extrication.
Luckily have never taken green this wench of Ruan Mu to come over, the Xiao Yu is empty to hope to watch from a distance space within hand of button, wonder a way in the heart.
While coming out Ruan Mu green dead's living don't be follow, but doing not say to save a person with her real strenght, only afraid walk complete the road is all that one is impossible to her Related articles:

