
http://www.beatsbydrinus.com Segment tiger troo

Field, feels Meng nine have already broken cold heart Chan the extreme limit of 3 F, although he the body has a little weariness from overwork now.Suffered from many wounds, but the spirit is very good.Was standing to adjust reason breathing at first at the moment, the firmness fixed for.The week persons, such as righteousness minister and joy mountain,Beats Detox...etc. then nearby protects a method for it at him, and give him ground wound last medicine.Around round great clansmen of many fanatical excited subways at them, they loudly shout this Meng nine names, the corpse of ground has already been cleaned off, iron great elders of one clan and they ground dead loyalty then stand on the outer circle of crowd and coldly looking at all these.
Suddenly expect Hai to see a segment a tiger tiny to shut eyes, quietly station is at first, by dint of he several year the ground fixed for, felt the excrescent spirit motion on a tiger body, peeped out one silk on facial expression of face frightened feeling, later on again immediately reply equanimity, but the shocked color in the eye, show its heart undoubtedly.After, he just a little has some anxious arch hand leave-taking ways:"The great commander soldier is early some to stop for rest, the old man took leave!The last fiesta of the sacrificial rites big gift in the sky still needs old man to manage."
"The big fiesta department pleased!"The segment tiger coolly ordered to nod, be suddenly expect Hai soon disappear at darkly in of time, suddenly ask a way:"Segment the department that is some to still have a to ask, don't know a big fiesta because of what reason be driven out north Jiang?"
Suddenly expected Hai to stop to stop a step, lead very long, just say:"The early years embarrassment said afraid dirty the ear of great commander soldier, still don't say for wonderful."
Finish saying, he then escapes drive fast, fear again at the segment tiger nearby and more treat in a short while.
The segment tiger feels to suddenly expect leaving of Hai, the stroll walks to a dead angle that the nobody can see, suddenly be like soliloquize to generally say:"Wu, at?"
Along with the words sound of the segment tiger the downfall , from his blackness of body side, quietly camed out a person.Sees his light wear head, there is no eyebrow, looks common, the facial expression has a little pallor and be dressed in one on the body Be been similar to to general clothes of tights, when the barefooted is come out have no the least bit voice interest, even the motion of air also have no the least bit, if not is to see have an individual to come out, can hardly believe meeting someone can attain so obscure.
This person by the name of Wu, it is the cutthroat of the world best to is a cutthroat, or say, he kills an expensive charging of a person to make people surprise.At the beginning at Wu An Cheng of time, the segment tiger gives offense to of those Gao officer's noble family allied put together to pay, employ cutthroat to assassinate a tiger, but those cutthroats don't say to kill a tiger, connect to break Han to die the close Wei defends close to segment the tiger is nearby all very difficult, end can not help they would costliness employ Wu to assassinate a tiger.The Wu altogether assassinated a segment the tiger compare a danger at a time three times, the last time even has already stabbed the center of the chest of segment tiger, if isn't a muscle instinct of tiger to respond, the weapon carry to realize,Beats Solo HD, probably he was dead at that time.The Wu homicide contains a rules and kills people to three times fail, that is assassinated is his loyal to host, even if that person want him to commit suicide to can't be the least bit hesitant, either.
Segment tiger troops the Han die close Wei in although also have cutthroat,compare with Wu come had a little a small sorcery to see a big sorcery, probably their fighting skills want than the Wu high strong not only on raising, round to assassinate technique, they are to clap a horse to also fail to catch, start to remember Wu each time of those three times assassinate and also make him some to have a lingering fear.He Wu income troops, no one knows, even Liu Han Yan didn't also tell,http://www.beatsbydrinus.com, the Wu seemed an invisible person, there is no an order of tiger or segment tiger doing not be placed in a life and death edge, he can't appear.
The segment tiger looking at Wu and from the heartly praises highly a way:"The Shu of your passive is still that so outstanding, even my super often five feeling could not feel as well you the slightest of action, at the beginning you are also depending on a to recruit, close to my to nearby assassinate me, then calmly escape.I am really curious, you are how to hide your breath and heart palpitates, you clearly stand in front of me I but the slightest could not feel you the slightest of heart palpitates and breath, really make people difficult to understand."
For the problem of segment tiger, the Wu didn't do any answer, just the noodles is expressionless to looking at him, could not see any motion of feelings in the eye, like a pair of eyes with general corpses.
"Would not like to say even if, knew you to also have half year quickly, unexpectedly connect a word has never said as well, you can also suppress live."The segment tiger smiled to shake to shake head, later on positive color way:"You immediately check to suddenly expect now Hai because of why reason drive Sa does the full sanctuary drive out a northern Jiang?"
The Wu didn't say what, just a little bit tiny nod, again the original road sends back darkly in.Segment tiger negative hand but sign, raise eyes to hope toward the direction of sacrificial rites square, in the heart not know is just thinking what, but the look in the eyes is colder and colder, almost come to an a freezing point.
The segment tiger waited for a night, the emissaries of the side mountain clan didn't come, afterwards to settle the time in morning, the big elder sends the courier of to take a side mountain clan clan grows of the letter come back, he immediately presents to ascend a tiger to the segment.Say in the letter his side mountain clan is loosing of big Qin Qian Chao's Zhou Dynasty people, be unsuited to proper negotiate with big Qin's officials on big Qin's land, if the segment tiger wants to negotiate, go to they connect the side mountain clan encampment of mountain range big forest to talk in the Heng.Tough tone in letter segment tiger from didn't see, and still mentioned in the letter from the fire bear there get of gold and silver wealth and properties, use extremely tone of despising the despise to mean a with gratitude to the segment tiger and appreciate that he leads long a person who made the fire bear, it makes them able to calmly take away wealth and properties.
After finishing seeing this letter, segment tiger Nu Be the most anti- to smile, strike letter on the table, immediately issue order, the Jing each department of state place mansion soldier blockades the discrepancy main route that the Heng connects mountain range completely and forbid any side mountain clan's getting into Jing state the county county is everywhere, and bottom the public notice forbid any individual or seller's selling a firewood rice the oil salt etc. day to use product and ironware to side mountain clan, disobey to get to see as to attempt rebellion, put~to death to kill blood relations.He still issues order to let six doors, rather helps at the same time and everywhere the garage closely kept watch on from the side, a had action can cut first to move behind.
Reach under the identity that marches big manager by northern line of way of will make a , Jing state all all levels officials seriously carry out, but the most people all think that this is only a tiger to seize by a sudden urge deliver of will make.After all the sellers of Jing state with the side mountain clan do business be not a year and two years either, the great majority all have thousand the silks are ten thousand wisps of contact, even if is to relate to the most nervous time at big Qin and the side mountain clan, civil the company's Mao contacts didn't also rupture, so these Jing state the seller waited until a tiger to cope with the time of the north Jiang different clan in the very valuable Zhai and continue to secretly do various bargain with the side mountain clan for the carrying out for several days very strictly according to the usual practice in past of naturally.
However they again how can anyone know this time and extremely different then and immediately was ambushed six good door middlemen formely, when they trade a product and take out to adjust from the another county mansion of crack troops to hold tight, henceforth in half month, because the this line will make be destroyed of household reach to more more than tens, the all levels officialdom is more than 800 persons, the number sentencing to death is much up to 40,000, the of segment tiger butcher again disturbs big Qin Dynasty wild.Until at this time those Jing state of the sellers just understand, segment the tiger is serious this time, the Jing state immediately appears a flit tide, is no matter a seller, noble family, still a civilian, in fine in the Heng connect the owner of mountain range neighborhood in order not to is embroiled by innocence, all from their small village, the county city move to walk, Heng connect mountain range outer circle nearly 200 many inside of the scope became the ground of shabby signs of human being.
At present the whole clan that connect mountain drive over completely and all trap at the Heng connect big forest of mountain range in, they only two way outs can walk now, Article 1 be adventure travel over Heng connect the mountain range get into north the Jiang is inshore, Article 2 be from the Heng connect the mountain range come out and beg for mercy to the segment tiger, otherwise of words they then will drive segment the tiger live to lively persecute to death in the Heng connect mountain range in.Their save salt to lead not how long will consume almost exhausted, if there is no salt eating, they then will all over have no dint, the segment tiger even if sends by that time a mansion soldier of commonness can also easy of take down he/she.

The text chapter 277
Renew time:2008-6-2117:32:20 chapter word numbers:3375

Meng nine kill the effect that the new hero that the fiesta becomes a great iron clan brings through a blood, far far above of the imagination of segment tiger, he not only the list acquired the admiration of numerous iron great clansmen, connect take Related articles:

