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Of waters, unwell proper linger to battle for a long time, bombard one be over and then should return to deep sea, resume the battle mode of mobile type.
"Always offend although be starting, our but again is becoming an on-looker."Be mix to organize into teams of battle chief of staff, the Fu Lang west Si brigadier general very clearly receives especially why thus naturally self-satisfied.Because"Sui hair gun" battle battle plan that attacks and occupies Lin Dao of Kua Gu this time according to the American solider, the 58th mixs to organize into teams just antebellum leading role, but once battle truely beat ring, it is the supporting roles that provides air cover to serve as only and for be on guard Japan's Imperial Army unite the fleet go down south to make to defend to make a watching over of measure so much.
"Come, everyone announces an opinion and sees this C to make:..Needing to be carried on is perfect."Fight the row warship bombardments to escape from Kua Gu Lin Dao coast to mixing to organize into teams to take side especially, lay equal stress on a new plait to go into each the combat sequence that mix a big brigade especially.Say long for this period of time not long, say short not short.Receive isn't a person who likes that the wave takes a lot of time especially, after finishing taking out the cigar in the hand, again from the drawer of conductor table in took out another battle project, put at set head, Be making tea in person and receiving and directing ground in room on duty staff officer personnel, negotiate this together even the C battle plan that oneselfs all a little bit take and prohibit.
"Ni rice full general's attacking and occupying Lin Dao of Kua Gu's battle plan have already made people feeling radical and unexpectedly receive the general this battle plan of yours especially, even want than him bold."This C battle plan receives especially and Fu Lang west Si 2 people know.And didn't report a Ni rice before fighting full general.William's colonel is after pickeding up a C battle project to see 1 time, .::Say again:"If the plan can carry out, this be able to let our warship carry aviation's soldier to the Japan's Imperial Army bomb Pearl Harbor, can revenge to avenge, a wash humiliation."
"In my eyes, the C plan of general can practice and return>+can obtain the victory in the expectation on time."Can calm down at any time analytical problem, is to is intelligence report, the officer has to have of character, after wearing Si to once connect C battle plan to scrutinize 1 time from the William's hand especially.Have never been like him concussion like that.
"See from the current circumstance, can judge.Japan's Imperial Army to the our army such Zong deeply stand into of dozen method, be enough obviously in need of understanding and contingency ability, the A plans and the B plan of smooth implementation is the best proof."Receive especially and listenned to wear Si especially the careful idea of worrying in the colonel words, on the noodles lightly smiled for a while, and then make reference to:"C battle plan of>.:Base, it is like our army of Pearl Harbor similar, regardless on the strategy still political ascend mentally and all have the one and only of important meaning.Our army once take down Lin Dao of Kua Gu, ability for raid especially the Lu gram base provide an ideal gangplank and take advantage o an enemy to have no have the opportunity allow of no to miss."It is a fleet commanding officer.Receive to have the originally strategic taste that the other people have no especially, sharp antenna in the battle battlefield, catch to flit battleplane ground military tactics ability in time.This a moment receives to all see more far think more far than the owners especially.
January 30 about 3:00 p.m.s, the United States the 58th especially[u.After the event.The on the water completes from lately whole brigade, again keeps off Lin Dao of Kua Gu while receiving and leading especially and changes direction north to drive.However didn't retreat too far this time.Lin Dao of Kua Gu is still placed in the effective stroke scope that American solider's warship carries an aviation soldier in.According to"Sui hair gun" battle battle plan, the United States mixs to organize into teams to mix to organize into teams to provide air cover and warnning northern Japan's Imperial Army a Lu gram especially for the other in the whole battle the task of the base battleship threat is especially.
After mixing to organize into teams especially the second time withdraw at the United States the 58th of time, receive to always offend mandatory the United States the 52, 53th mix to organize into teams especially of battleship, the positive full speed is to the target.=.Mark.The target that the 51th mixs to organize into teams especially is Ma Zhu Luo, the 52th's mixing the target for organizing into teams especially is southeastly Lin Huan of Kua Gu Lin Dao of Kua Gu, the 53th's mixing the target for organizing into teams especially is the island of Mu Er of the Kua Gu north of atoll wood.Is three to mix to organize into teams especially the difference arrives to battle for 30 dead hours a waters in January, and carry out the plan of landing operation on the dawn of the 31th,google.
The ground of Ma Zhu Luo island seizes, absolutely than imagination of want easy get many, because built the barracks that can be provided for 34100 people to live on the island in, unexpectedly only 3 Japan's Imperial Army stay to guard.This lets to dispatch army and involve the masses since then American solider great feeling accident and surprise, with frightening ease soldier not the blood blade took possession of the island.After easily taking possession of the island, the 51th mixs to organize into teams especially of commanding officer the rare Er major general is orderanying debarkation[+orderany again mine sweeper beginning while building is changing to be finished station hospital carry on diagraph to the lagoon of Ma Zhu Luo island, and mark onward voyage way and anchor man ground.Surround a lagoon to have a Jiao vein, form to naturally keep Qian from defending a torpedo obstacle, consumedly raised the safety that the warship ship anchors, is the ideal anchor man ground that the battleship anchors.After two days, get into the island of Ma Zhu Luo along with the logistic replenishment tall ship, make the ground of become an American solider to take the offensive Kua Gu wood's most important headway replenishment base, so original various at the sea supply during the battle can cancel, but change to carry on and provide dependable place for the logistic guarantee of battle at Ma Zhu Luo.After a week, the fielding troops and engineering soldier of more than 7,000 persons of American solider ascended the island, built two simple airports on the island, prepare for an arrival of turning of roadbed aviation soldier making liking.(The detailed circumstance that the concerning the land of Ma Zhu Luo island fights doesn't write.Everyone can see data,cnn.)
"Receive general especially, this is the latest war feeling public notice."Turned an eye to is at dusk the 31th to divide, wear Si colonel especially at receive 5 brigades forward to come over of today's war feeling public notice after, immediately present to receive especially.This day at three squares upstream American solider, press the department class the ground launched landing operation.Seize a debarkation starting point.
"This and the drill report a nothing important differentiation, see future an origin army have no such as imagination in so strong, the blood of Tarawa island become river
Should can't take place again."Take the telegram document of the public notice of war feeling, turn over, feel very satisfied after finishing seeing.
"Yes, even I also have some to not too believe.Just pay 1 die 1 harm of price, the debarkation troops organizing into teams successfully captures a second island of the Ji of Lin Dao's northwest of Kua Gu, covers a He island, rather Ni island, controled Ji second waterway, and the Ai Nu cloth radicle island closing to at Lin Dao of Kua Gu installed 105 millimeters of and 155 meters artillery battlefield in the howitzer ground, for the tomorrow dawn take the offensive Lin Dao of Kua Gu to make good the whole prepare.And Luo direction in the Yi island ascend to also just fall in action 24 people.Harming 40 people is or so, then obtained to set out battlefield and constitution gunfire battlefield."When intelligence report the officer is so long, wear Si the colonel still first see approach zero like this dead and injured especially of smooth get surprising war feeling public notice.
"Our army debarkation troops encountered while mounting sudden attack to go ashore slight resist, this well proves I mix to organize into teams especially at these two days come to Kua Gu atoll wood ground bombing and bombardment, fruitful,Facebook."Fu Lang west the Si brigadier general saw war feeling also announce his/her own viewpoint after notifying:"However I don't think Japanese army and then will be thus defenseless, after all the Japan's Imperial Army construct on the main group of islands of the works are very hard, although fight after continuously aviation and battleship thermodynamic power,destroy of Be just one among those parts, the Japan's Imperial Army completely have ability to depend on the remaining defences and our army to land troops to fight to the end."
"According to the meaning of the chief of staff, isn't the warship that we mix to organize into teams especially to carry aviation soldier will have the opportunity of a war."Is an aviation soldier staff officer officer.William's colonel has already sat a cold bench for two day, in addition to accompanies to receive to drink tea especially.Being really stuffy must have a little to deliver Huang.
"Seeing to all of us are good war members."Receive especially ha ha the ground smiled two, make reference to to William's colonel:"The warship carries aviation soldier ground machine set it has been two days since personnel took a rest as well, believe they and then throw in by the best status to go in the combat.I also estimate tomorrow ground landing operation in, the allied troops ground lands troops and needs the aviation thermodynamic power that I mix to organize into teams especially support."Receive especially for although this battle entertain optimistic an attitude,he is also opposite to understand the beautiful army's debarkation combat to beat a method, every meet an enemy in the aggression soldier Zu shot, by all means call rear gunfire to cover and aviation thermodynamic power support.(American national strength starts to be strong at this time, the people are living opposite and wealthy, 'afraid of death' became American army's a weakness.It is the American solider's habit to depend on strong thermodynamic power to battle, this be why at Related articles:

