
cheap beats by dre siege anti- assault

Have a little a mother-in-law mother!"
Chen Fang Ren this just starts leave-taking, the train also continues to set out, and Liu Jing Xiao wanted to think, and then said:"D rather, I want Zhejiang!Stilling have to there is an individual staying in can not!Believing sea to handle affairs is really soft, can not decide on the spot, you or department Ma Qu?"
The D rather answers a way:"I go and take charge of horses all can!Just how to there will think provincial governor!"
Liu Jing Xiao think a short while, just answer a way:"That still lets to believe sea full power to be responsible for!"
D rather pour see a short while map, just say:"Teacher, I have a viewpoint!"
Liu Jing Xiao saw her one eye, then had never liked spirit ground to say:"This south soldier takes the offensive of point is which?"
Liu Jing Xiao responds very quickly, he points at map to say:"Now our army and south soldier's fighting the most vigorous place is Zhe in Fujian province front line, big department in Fukien has already fallen into south the hand of the soldier, Wen Tai also launches many combats …… however, this front line of all of southern soldiers is guest's soldiers in each province that Mo Di Shou in Guangdong weaves, didn't discover the number of regular army in Guangdong up to now ……"
He another finger:"The soldier number of the enemy whom Jiangxi appears is the most, go into the southern soldier number of Gan to have 15 regiments at least till now, the reinforcements troops still continues to open into Jiangxi, now with it is can hardly for Gan soldier a teacher to hold up them!"
The D rather says with a smile:"The teacher seemed to forget a place!"
Liu Jing Xiao is like wakening from a dream, he connects a voice call way:"Hunan!Hunan!"
He depends in depending chair, the shot stanza grows a great way:"The D is rather!Taking you to come out this time is really my most wise decision, really is Hunan!"
"Join forces for battle Wuhan, water horse Yangtze River, this is always the southwest of wishes ……as long as seeing Yangtze River, perhaps southwest each provincial capital with all strength the north advertise for!"
"Besides, battle out south north of the pass Jian is Hunan!As long as the south soldier obtains Hunan, the Northern Expedition can ast least be signed to an invincible position this time!"
The D rather mainly militarily considers a problem:"Words like this, do we want to send a soldier to aid Xiang?Is also interesting, in those early years we is and the Xiang soldier died the Dou was exactly!"
Liu Jing Xiao sees more far:"But Chen Yun Shuo and those people in Hunan, can't allow our handle knob to stretch into Hunan, if we go into Xiang now and affirm the first to come first to solve us!"
The D rather asks a way:"That with the troops of the Xiang soldier and Chen Yun Jie, must the crest live?"
Her tone was full of a doubt, Liu Jing Xiao simultaneously shook head a way:" With the troopses of Chen Yun Shuo's reconstruction, how the crest get!Say again, only on opening hostilities, Hunan will face three to save of attack, Guangdong, Guangxi and Guizhou, I estimate this geography to can put next 5610 regiment!Beat telegram to the Qiong sound, say that I want to ask her back to save once!"
"There is the tradition of allied province autonomy in Hunan, independence at the south north outside, ask a Qiong sound to refuse after returning to province south soldier inbound ……" this is the method of political solution, the D rather means a doubt to this:"But effective?"
The cachinnation way of Liu Jing Xiao:"To Hunan, I just exert to the utmost personnel!Now since south soldier's amount in Jiangxi is the most, so I then take troops to Jiangxi!"
There the D rather pours to say:"Now that the teacher want Jiangxi, can Zhejiang even if not need a member great commander to stay in, still have to need the person join force from it!"
Liu Jing Xiao think think, just say:"Invite original Huai sea soldier in province in the province one teacher Su snow rate department aid Zhe!Zhejiang is the source of money of our army, extremely disallow have been already lost!"
Say, Liu Jing Xiao loudly says:"I lead troops into Gan this time, the D is rather!You would are my forward!"
Biggest collision on the southern north history, basic settle in this dialogue next keynote, the southeast allied troops box off him into two front:Battlefield in Zhejiang and battlefield in Jiangxi.
Ps:schedule to the beginning of January octavo new book

Chapter 26 opens hostilities

The allied troops divide two roads to go into Gan and is all the way partial to three teachers that the teacher goes into Gan, Gan soldier and Liu Jing Xiao to get in person from the Wan from the Zhe through the highway of Zhe Gan go into Gan.
Go all the way, Liu Jing Xiao is through Shanghai and aloes wood basic to have never made to stop over, just just saw one side, in addition to Xu the Xu long for of bitterness behind, Liu Jing Xiao still ask Chen Jia to send a Yangtze River fleet to battle into the Gan.
Chen Jia's fleet although the main big department goes down south, still wear to keep the absolute advantage that didn't can query in Yangtze River, although these the inland river battle the vessel isn't suitable for to go abroad a battle, but can develop very importance in Yangtze River.
Aloes wood smiles to answer:"Good!Since also ripped off a face, this complete nonsense of the neutral don't want let it be!Take this service, mirror Xiao you can want to eat a Guangdong vegetables!"
Liu Jing Xiao claps to begin a way:"Carefully I invite your Long Hu Dou, this vegetables!"
To Mo Di, none of everyones welcomes, even Taiwan of the second fleet also come out Chan and, although only some fielding strength, but he declares categorically:"The traditional influence of fourth fleet is two wide coast, asking an expensive soldier don't be in transit ……"
Lend both parties to pull leathern opportunity, aloes wood and Liu Jing Xiao decide Chen Jia and set in Shandong set up to unite a fleet and move to halt coast in Zhejiang to resist a fourth fleet.
Arrived Hangzhou, the provincial governor Han Xin Hai of Zhejiang plea for interview, Liu Jing Xiao privately talked more than two hours with him.
Han Xin Hai's responsibility is very heavy, Chen Fang Ren's Jiangsu quickly eliminates a rebellious troops, bandit department, can Zhejiang is still province inside the bandit certainly big Chi, the old soldier often livings to revolt, Zhe Gan and Zhe Fujian province the frontier is up very not that even, this Mo enemy's Northern Expedition even take place the place Hao Be strong to rise in revolt the affairs of responding to Mo Di, although keep on being quelled, can who also not know to will can't take place again for the second time.
Surely Zhejiang has been facing of the situation is worse than Jiangsu, but Han Xin Hai's ability also some shortage, therefore Liu Jing Xiao ate for him on meeting:"Believe sea, now Zhejiang of out of fix, some people advocate to send member great commander to come to stay in ……"
Han Xin Hai not from a surprised, talk:"Listen to the teacher order woulding be!"
Liu Jing Xiao claps Han Xin Hai's shoulder to say:"I can believe to believe sea you, I lead troops into Gan now, you to me visit a hospital later on ……if once the Zhe Gan lose, we have to once back river's north to go!"
Han Xin Hai gratefully stood:"Believe not definitely negative teacher of sea hope!"
Administering a province is a scene how is eight sides, Han Xin Hai doesn't want to degenerate to arrive afresh situation of seeing person's expression of eyes, he right away means:"The teacher all since went to Jiangxi!Believe sea to also sit not to live in Hangzhou and prepare to go down south gold China to be in person in command of!"
The railroad of Zhe Gan is the Life Line that goes into each soldier of Gan, but
However Liu Jing Xiao's train just arrived, there Du soldier river's tide in Jiangxi and then call reported urgently, to sum it up, a side is a form loyal, another a noodles requested Liu Jing Xiao to hurriedly help, initial wanted military payroll to want ammunition, secondly pleased return to the soldier of Gan Gan to put a slow step, he had decision only the dint guarded south Chang, when the time comes ask Liu Jing Xiao to lead troops from the city outside kill, with one action defeat a Gan soldier.
Liu Jing Xiao cans not help a smiling, river's tide of Gan Du in nowadays is at the south north of walk steel wire of person, also be regarded as one of the famous general of contemporary.
Certainly the definition of this famous general is to will get very famously, the affair of taking care of the tide that Liu Jing Xiao can think of is really a lot of,cheap beats by dre, but all of the great majority are just jokes.
The this person is an engineer corp to be from, at the Er compare proud fielding and field battle exclusively once studying fortress build city and returned to country to once be responsible for the city that checked the whole Henan to defend.
At that time bandit power big piece in Henan, the Xia soldier had a Tong pass again it said, therefore specially fixed at Zheng Zhou large-scale city to defend works.
Point at the nose of the party concerned to lambaste after result river's tide saw:"The city that you construct defends works good for nothing, can obstruct oneself to break through siege anti- assault of direction.You don't want that in spite of all offend the artillery range of city heavy artillery in the other party in any directions inside, enemy according to doing not need to approach your outer circle works can will your construct a thing, elephant so of ex- follow battlefield, must ast least also stretch out a city wall of 2 kilometers ……still have the passage on all sides too little, if attack completely, a troops that hour can not also pass a regiment, again say that the heavy artillery can not pass suspension bridge, other places all dig deep ditch Gao Lei, the inconvenience attacks, this absolutely is take life to be fun!"
Right away declare that the party concerned dismisses to check to do, however be a matter Related articles:

