
Cheap Beats By Dre ct that pole knife

Chapter 953 what Wei postponed persists
"Close feather!"At rush through of western Qin Jun most before, Zhao Yun and Wei postpone 2 people at the same time eyes are one Mi, signing the horse will Zong horse forward, however haven't waited Zhao Yun to rush out to go, in his in front is manies on putting on knife blade, is exactly the double that the Wei postpones pole knife!The Wei postpones to twist head to say with smile to Zhao Yun:"Son dragon!This time how say should also it's my turn!"
Zhao Yun was some to by chance see one eye the Wei postpone, he believes that the Wei postpones to really know, oneself isn't the opponent that closes feather, why still need to decide with close feather one war?But when Zhao Yun sees the Wei postpones of that double of overcast cloudily pour a triangle eye behind, Zhao Yun signs a horse to choose to no longer talk, because he what to see is firmness and persist from the Wei postpone of the eye!The temperament that the Wei postpones is originally a comparison dark, introverted of, only postpone to get in touch with with Wei longer, he would open their his own minds to the other people, person like this, absolutely can't lightly talk to give up to own target!
See Zhao Yun agree his/her own claim, the Wei postpones is also lightly ordered to nod, double within hand once the pole knife turn and would be a back at turn a head to hope after death to the pass feather of distance, directly would was a Zong horse to hurtle pass by!The Wei postpones to make an effort one Lei bridle when waiting to hurtle to the distance to close feather about 20 remainings to tread is far, lived to sit to ride, see one eye pass feather, but is to directly turn over a body to dismount, lift a double pole knife, went on foot to close feather of in front.Close feather to since have no horse, that he doesn't wish to have to close feather, this cheapness as well!
Is positive such as what Zhao Yun guesses so, the Wei postpones to in fact also know that he or she isn't the opponent that closes feather, but the Wei postpones of love to excel heart is allow of no to allow oneself so evade, so the Wei postpones still decision and pass feather a war!Stretch hand oneself is on special mask of helmet downwards on pulling, blocking a face the top is most of faces, then double pole the knife moved to a chest and sank a voice to drink a way:"Is some, the righteousness sun Wei postpones!"
Because the Wei postpones this Nu to drink, a cold and damp vehemence in a twinkling would is on explosion of the body that postpones from the Wei come out, the Wei postpones of the cold and damp spirit, and the icy cold vehemence of Luo's sun but is some dissimilarity, because the vehemence of Luo's sun that is completely from pure murderous look variety but become, but the Wei postpone of cold and damp vehemence but is integrate into him that kind of uncanny knife method, let people feel whole body top and bottom all uneasiness.Certainly, this influence is aimed at to those general opponents, but postpone in front at the Wei at the moment, but is close feather!
See the vehemence that the Wei postpone to send forth, close feather is also directly cold to hum a , a pair of eyes Mi became to sew, cold light often gleam from the blind side, green Long Yan Yue's knife in the hand a horizontal, immediately one is good point the vehemence of the blade sort from pass feather of the explosion of body come out and get close to a Wei directly and quickly to postpone but go!
Postpone to see at the Wei, seemed to be from the body of pass feather to burst upon one handle long-handled sword, directly be toward own noodles set of in the door come!The Wei postpones the subconscious ground to would be to is one side the body, long-handled sword step aside that to look like unreal, but once wiped along with the vehemence of that long-handled sword the Wei postpones of body, the Wei postpones a hair that peeps out from the helmet unexpectedly drive the vehemence of that long-handled sword to pared to break, directly floated to fall in the ground!
Only just a vehemence, unexpectedly also like this power!The empress back that the Wei postpones signs a horse be leaked out an one sweat!Twisting is overdo, before vision deeply come out from the eye hole of mask and tightly stare at pass feather, he still from think to have already overestimated the real strenght of closing the feather, but have never thought oneself still underrate to close feather!However when the Wei postpones to see peep out on the feather face from the pass of that puts on to disregard and proundhearted behind, Wei's postponing immediately is a Nu, double within hand pole the knife turned a turn before chest, the Nu drinks a , the vehemence is again more prosperous penny, bring up a double pole knife, directly be toward pass the feather hurtled pass by!
"Hum!"Face a Wei to postpone, close feather also just cold hum a , the legs are made an effort one Deng, is also equally hurtle pass by!Only close feather this is blunt, but the speed is to in a twinkling exceed a Wei to postpone, in the west officers and men Qin's eyes, have already completely seen the figure of not pure pass feather, the shadow of only a dark yellowish green color once rows and turned an eye to would be to arrive at the in front that the Wei postpones!
But the Wei postpone I originally wanted to rob first a hand of, haven't waited his to recruit, feel that the front is together nipping to kill an idea to rush toward, the subconscious ground would was to raise a hand in of double pole knife, go toward front 1.Is close behind, listen to one bump a shot voice to ring out, huge strength follows a double the arm spread to come over, the Wei postponed the whole body involuntarily be hereafter fall back, which afraid the Wei postpone to put out strength to infuse to note energy to double foot, also not crest matter, connect fall back tenth, tread of distance, this just steady live.
The Wei postpones some in astonishment looking at anterior pass feather, ten thousand ten thousand have never thought the strength of closing the feather unexpectedly so big.Haven't waited Wei to once defered to get up, that pass feather fiercely a title, double eyes tiny Zheng, cold light is also suddenly and violently project!Is close behind, see the figure in a flash of pass feather, the whole individual again time toward the this place hurtled to come over.The Wei who has already once suffered a los' postponing nature has already absorbed precept, he originally not with the war that the strength wins victory will, see to close feather blunt come over, the Wei postpones to sign a horse to would be to go toward the body flank on jumping, want to hide to pass killing of feather.
Can have never thought, see oneself to soon once hide to close killing of feather, that is originally straight blunt come over of pass feather suddenly a feet make an effort on the ground, simply changed own direction and turned but again make track for a Wei to postpone blunt come over, descend a moment, have already hurtled to the Wei postpone of in front, green Long Yan Yue's knife in the hand directly would is the forehead that postpones toward the Wei to up split to come over!
"Drink!"This urgent time, the Wei postpones to seem is be closed feather of kill an idea to force potential, bellow a , double within hand pole the knife turn and put at ground up, the whole individual is to comply with the surrounding into once the ground pour, then round that pole the knife was again a Shan to arrive the right side and at the right moment once hide the attack of that green Long Yan Yue's knife!But green Long Yan Yue's knife of pass feather directly shoot a ground, immediately be mowed on the ground an one Chinese foot is deep, 3 Chinese feet grow of the knife print!
See that knife print, the Wei postpones is also secretly surprise, if this knife chop down on own body, only afraid must split oneself into two halfs can not!And the Wei postpone to also be regarded as at this time understand, only be placed in like this passively situation don't go, oneself wants to rob to preempt machine!Thought of here, the Wei postpones to draw out a double a pole knife, directly be toward pass feather of the chest stabbed to come over!
Closed feather to see, signed a horse to would be to flick green Long Dao Yi, want double the pole knife fend off for space.Can soon run into a pair of pole knives at green Long Dao of that for an instant, the Wei postpones of double eyes a bright, have never also seen how he act, that pole knife unexpectedly on slipping, good became a leather whip to generally curve, directly make green Long Dao fail to meet!
"Yi?"This variety is to let to close feather to ate a greatly surprised!Before on the time in city in Bohai Sea, the Wei postponed to once kill to go into the city and close as well even, the pass interest once exchanged blows several times and closed feather beside view wartime but don't discover that the Wei postpones to have so all alone!However think of now, afraid of that time a Wei to postpone is also intentionally didn't rear real real strenght, be for guarding a pass feather to drag along in city in Bohai Sea just!Thought of here, pass feather again not from must thought of a pass of throwing the life to just is even, fury Ceng within chest the ground emitted out, the Nu drinks a , no matter how that pole knife changed, green Long Dao also straightly was the chest that postponed toward the Wei to stab pass by!
The action that sees pass feather, Wei's postponing is also to get a fright, the knife pole of double pole knife that makes in to°from the best steel, nature can't truely of the flection become soft and result in effect like this, completely is the skill that the Wei postpones to make the enemy's eyes creation the illusion is just!Before the Wei postpones also once engaged many opponents, met with a Wei postpone this recruit, even if is to be not confused, will also consequently Leng absolute being, but lose a first timing, but have never had an opponent will be like to close feather so, don't hestitate a ground of backstroke!
However the Wei postpones also not is be easy to of generation, face the attack of closing the feather, the list hand is made an effort a to pull, that just changed magically the double of growing up the whip pole the knife signed a horse to break open Huan mutually and changed to return the knife pole of the original perfectly straight and directly woulded be to press at green Long Dao up, in the final reckoning, finally blocked under pass feather this knife!
The attack that just closes feather but is have no so be over, see the peculiar move that oneself broke opponent, close feather face up of kill an idea is more and more heavy, a surprised thunder explodes from his larynx, the legs make an effort at the same time, press so a Wei blunt before postponing into!Wei's postponing is obviously the strength that can not resist to close feather, can be legs to continuously and hereafter back and want to lend this to unload that huge strength.So, closed feather to press a Wei to postpone to connect to hurtle several, but is the meaning that didn't also let go at 1:00, the Wei postpones a to see if this continues is not a way either, once the eye pupil son turn, the foot retreats again at the same time, fiercely and upwards on kicking, exact center close the knee of feather!
Wei's postponing this feet don't harm pass feather, but was the step son that successfully makes to close feather to grind to a stop a short moment!But is the deadlock that held tight this a short moment, the Wei postpones Nu to drink a , hold tight double pole knife all alone, another hand then goes toward once the another head of of double pole knife clap,Cheap Beats By Dre, double pole the knife blade of the knife another head of sign a horse be toward pass feather of the next dish picked pass by!Wei's postponing doesn't hope this knife as well can harm pass feather, thinks to will close feather to force to open!
"Drink!"But see the knife blade of that pole knife pare to come over, the double of the pass feather eyes but is a flash across together red long grass, a way blue vein from pass feather of forehead up exploded out, the body not only didn't yield and on the contrary faced to come forward to go, green Long Dao in the hand take the Wei postpone to just a little be slacken of that for an instant, directly would was the overhead that postpones toward the Wei to keep on splitting!
Wei's postponing to also unexpectedly close feather will try very hard to thus, can arrive this kind of situation, the Wei postpones even if want to retreat to don't go as well.That this a moment, the Wei postpones of in the brain suddenly presented on that day outside city in Bohai Sea, Zhao Yun fights with pass feather of scene, does oneself want to outstrip them?Connect this courages all have no?Thought of here, Wei's postponing is also to bellow, also ignore that has already soon split oneself brain fanlight green Long Dao, double within hand pole the knife was also quickly the speed go toward the body of closing the feather up chop down!
Just, whether the Wei postpones how to speed up and sees according to the distance of weapon or not, green Long Dao is absolute meeting first one step see the head that the Wei postpones!Perhaps, the Wei postpones to basically have no strength wound to arrive to close feather when the time comes, oneself already give° the life to compensate last!
Saw that green Long Dao to split head that win Wei's postpone soon, seem in the eyes of pass feather can already see Wei's postponing be split into the scene of two halfs by he or she, the in the mind of pass feather's signing a horse is the pleasant sensation that comes out vengeance!But in this time, close feather to suddenly feel that a huge pain wore to come over from own chest, it let all of one of his body is not from get one Zhan, just a little ground to a stop a short moment!N
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