
Beats by Dr Dre studio e the way of doing t

The amount of money involved slightly and a little more of time, area public finance also unable to do lord, still have to go toward a city public finance report, get an approval to just allow to purchase, this is an outlet.Another outlet is a branch office to directly go toward report in the city bureau, the city bureau goes toward a city public finance report again, the city bureau needs the contents in the purchasing slip not only the list is a car, two cars so simple, but a lot of purchase plans."What Wu Ju says is exactly the actual circumstance of police department, the budget strain is reality.
"The gun tees off a bird, Wang Feng is regarded as for them successful in career, but city bureau will a lot of want to buy of add into, this didn't pay attention to too much as well?"Liu just blared gravamen for Wang Feng.
Chapter 45 officialdom(2)
"Ah, city bureau is also can't, drive money to force.Certainly the noodles has here need solution urgently of, have postpone solution of, but you a while all put together palm off the fake as the genuine, the difficulty passing became big and had no huge sum of of public finance appropriation is is very hard to thoroughly work out these lately old problems, you want to get by under false pretenses to be passed, department of finance those persons who bear the bag aren't fools again, with what unexpectatively so inferior trick.City public finance with what give us the police department appropriation, we police department ability or so family's department of finance grow of promoted?Or can threaten somebody else's bureau chief's position, all obviously not ability, that only waited."Wu Ju sighs to say.
"Waited until flower to also thank, the problem can't was solved, either."Liu just said with smile.
"Here the business of noodles is too complicated, so Wang Feng breaks a police car to open a period of time, who make him unappreciative of individual the owner sent to donate for the car of police substation to the orphanage and heard those cars all drive orphanage to auction off, the price isn't bad, ha ha, this king's breeze still really not by the convention card."Wu Ju says very helplessly.
"I heard that Wang Feng is an orphan, so he stirs up Zhang Suo to donate a car to go out to also attach and parlance, because you don't donate to go out, the car also stays not next, can a very small police substation make you take so good car?Dream."The D son says.
"Wang Feng is a good kind of, I respect and admire his behavior very much."Liu just said.
"Do not say these, say Liu just you, your temper wanted to change, the time should refrain from rash action as far as possible refrain from rash action for a while, you handle affairs far and far have no Wang Feng of cool-headed, also have no old investigate a member of wise and farsighted, remember, hereafter handle a case to certainly want steady weigh, you that skill treats a common suspect to still unwillingly take out a hand.But meet some suspect with strong personalities, will your skill take care of to use?I see you descend so you must have an accident sooner or later.The evidence is to depend what does the collections come up?"By hand pointed to point own head while Wu Ju is saying words."Depend to do a lot of thinking to get, not is depend tee off.Ancient times have the way of doing to confess to false charges under torture, still practice now that set of, is go impassability of, law consciousness of the common people is raising gradually, even little company's peddler drive city tube the personnel beat to all know that the hospital claps for own scar to shine on to subsist by being evidence.Don't think the whole big brigade, the whole branch office is to the whole bureau for your an intelligent person, you that is to play smart in small way, top not get the hall of big friendship."
"BE, teach."The Liu Da just pulled head to cordially say.
"Teach?I say you how much return, you were to don't change.You are also an old branch office preliminary hearing to be from, I am the time of section chief, you just adjusted a preliminary hearing section, at that time you be still very the condescension learn so much of, the progress is also you those is quickest in graduate student.But arrived criminal police big brigade after, the temper got worse and worse and on every occasion stretched hand, does this how to go.The Xing Xun extracts confession into light say to is to breach to handle a case a principle, go toward heavy say to is deliberately flout the law, the offense can not forgive."
Wu Ju's this time words let Liu the in the mind just contained huge vibration,Beats by Dr Dre studio, was he all still true to have never so in earnest once thought this problem, looked own each and every moves in this old superior's under one's eyes before.
Connect on the D son of one side is also a touch biggest, see to Wu Ju to the not just general concern of Liu Da Dun Dui, some time, scathing usually is care and love, is protection, these words not but generally of relation who can so scathingly speak?
Wu Ju says so that also is to have the causal, or someone has already been just carried on reporting to Liu.
See, criminal police big brigade this is collective, is not a piece of sheet iron either which.
The front of the branch office is a pony road, the road both sides is a very thick tree shade.A blue Toyota the overbearing jeep stop in the shade under a tree, the carriage in tile blue, shoot in the reflecting of sunlight under, the Shan wears the ray of light of stabbing the eye.
The car rear row sits two middle age with solemn and peaceful facial expressions man, a men cheeks very thin, the facial expression is tiny black, on seeing is a cool-headed personality person, another men the face white is clean, wear the glasses of a gold silk side, gentle, be like a scholar, but from the spirit of scholar that it could not see one silk ten cents in sharp-edged look in the eyes.From the angle of rear row seat, exactly can observe the situation of branch office front door.
Face dingy person to nearby of the person say:"Not the beauty Kui is a beauty, this effect is still obvious of, she doesn't come out, these two guys have no quasi- will begin in the branch office doorway."
"This female kid is really very beautiful, is tingle clerkly gene to inherit well, ha ha.This you say very to, beautiful is beautiful.But begin can't.Even if don't tingle beautiful appear publicly, that calls the situation that Wang Feng's young man can't excite, either to raise hand to fight before front door, you haven't completely seen through the young man of your under charge, certainly, he how complicated also just the common police in the most secluded police substation of your branch office just, but he will never be the person who is easily a to excite.His business I how much know some, all have already become the legend of our police department."
"Must seeing to me also make to educate and block up front door to calculate like this what?What call courtesy, what call rite, the police must also learn."
The middle age of this white clean facial expression is exactly police department in the S City's one handle knob at the bureau chief, on listenning to the under charge great commander's words that oneself appreciate most , ha ha smile:"You this calls to clasp Buddha's feet at the time, common people also has a words to say also very much to the pointly and makes the kid die to milk, probably a little bit more vulgar, you don't not love to listen to.This with you make not to make education don't also relate to, you make 1,000 Islams to 100 times teach, he should block up your door to also block up your door, the key problem isn't to educate a problem, your branch office leadership have no work work well, they of the car all early should solve, but slowly don't solve, this is the root place of problem."
"Yes, this matter has a headache very much and reported several times all drive department of finance to block back."
"Do not say this first, I want to ask you, how much understand does your under charge in blocking up your door have?"See the martial bureau chief shake to shake head, didn't talk.
Then and habitually pushed to push glasses at the bureau chief, continued to say:"It is said that he relates to with the younger brother of head of department from hall Xiao in province not very general, I didn't make you descend to interfere with in person, because after you go out, but originally an easy affair's becoming be more getting complicated more, you handle also even have a difficulty.And hear bureau chief Hao all drive this young man to play of turn round and round, the chief executive officer of that northern group wants to seek two women, a little bit accurate say should be'grasp', result simply drive this under charge of yours to stir yellow.Ha ha, old Haos all annoyed quickly to throw up blood."
"See to a Hao bureau is also very helpless, ha ha, I also hear the Xiao head of department has such a baby's younger brother, just don't know he and Wang Feng are still relevant to fasten, my news was to a little bit close."The force bureau chief says.
Chapter 46 officialdom(3)
"Old Hao's also calculating up is person Jing of an officialdom, but you see he figure out what way handle your under charge?Have no, old Hao can beat a tooth to go toward to swallow in belly, as usual some temper also have no, he wants to tidy up a somebody else, that must also have a reason of accommodation, with what reason?Help a woman to escape, but what identity is this woman again?The escaped convict that was still the drug lord of illegal drug selling to kill people?These are panic to talk one Chuo to break, is up don't get set noodles.That place that says that your under charge's getting into doesn't should enter?Still say that he participated in on the gamble and even said him**disobey Ji?These reasons all very Related articles:

